Our Charts section has been a bit neglected of late. We’d all got a bit fed up of seeing Coldplay, Radiohead and Adele lead the ‘Top Artists’ chart week after week, especially when we could see our Hype Charts and internal data was telling a far more compelling story. So we decided to do something about it.
This week we have launched the first in a series of improvements to our charts section to make them more relevant, giving you a more dynamic picture of what is popular from week to week.
What’s live now?

The most important set of charts is now our Hype Charts. The Hype Charts are core to what we do at Last.fm – drawing attention to upcoming artists – so it was an easy decision to make these more prominent.
We’re also emphasising how much things change in our weekly charts by making it easy to go back and view them by a weekly pull-down menu.
Each chart now has its own page, and we’ve added buttons to each entry so you can quickly add artists to your library, love them, buy their music or add tags.
What’s next?
Every year at this time, most music sites give you a run down on the best acts of the year. We’re also going to have a Best of 2011 feature, but we have pushed it back to January this year in order to include a full year of data. While everyone else’s lists are pretty similar, we think you’ll be surprised by the story that Last.fm’s data is telling about 2011.
We hope you enjoy these changes and we look forward to hearing your feedback.
14 December, 16:37
Awesome! Love the Best of lists! Looking forward to it.
The charts are great, although I’d probably reduce the white-space on the right.
14 December, 17:21
Thanks Simon. We have plans to add content to the right hand column early in the New Year.
João Paulo Pesce
14 December, 17:38
Great! It’s also nice to see the ‘Loved Tracks’ charts. Loved tracks is a great source of information that I always felt was a bit neglected by last.fm. Why can’t we see how many times a track has been loved in the track stats?
Alvaro Rojas
14 December, 22:54
Amazing! I was thinking that this year will not be the best of 2011. So i’m waiting January. And I LOVE the new charts page. Amazing!
Good Job!
15 December, 02:38
I tried the charts today and I was amazed. Then I came here and saw the ‘Best of 2011’ new… I love you guys, I love you!
17 December, 16:27
This is great that you will wait until January. Makes more sense because the year has 365 days.
17 December, 22:31
Nice! I’m looking forward to your best of 2011 feature!
18 December, 08:20
The charts looks nice. But only charts with just a max of only 150 albums/artists/tracks? I hope that you wont do the same with my personal charts! I just was hoping of longer charts of 1000 artist/albums/tracks.
to Dunnemin
19 December, 18:22
go to http://www.last.fm/music
100 pages with 10 artists each
Dadyal News
21 December, 05:12
what a great collection you have on your website. i have a website http://www.dadyal.com.pk i want to promote local music.
30 December, 20:48
So glad you’re still doing this!!!
3 January, 16:56
Can’t wait to see “best of 2011”. Especially because I’m tired of seeing “best of 2010” in the footer.
5 January, 20:15
This is great that you will wait until January.
6 January, 00:10
can’t wait for the “best of 2001” really, last fm, you need to hurry up
10 January, 06:23
can’t wait for the “best of 2001”
11 January, 06:39
Seriously, Best of’s are much less fun in January than they are in December.
11 January, 23:05
Worst “Best of” ever …
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