Possible Last.fm Downtime [confirmed]

Friday, 18 April 2008
by rj
Comments: 527

Our data center is losing power tonight for 8 hours, and we are in the process of shutting down all non-essential systems (and some semi-essential ones) to try and keep the site alive on a bare minimum of servers.

Please bear with us over the weekend – things might break in interesting and mysterious ways, and we’ll be trying to hold things together while DC/AC inverters explode all around us because we’re drawing too much power :)

Your scrobbles will be safe, but this blog post might self destruct in 19 hours….

Update 1
As usual, you can check status.last.fm for more information

Update 2
After painstakingly moving machines over to the backup power supply, the backup power supply flipped out (apparently it won’t happen again).

Things are going to be really broken / slow for a while whilst we bring a couple of hundred servers back online again, and wait for 300GB of memcache to fill up. What a day…

Update 3
The power outage is over now, and we’re slowly powering everything back up. It’ll be a day or three before things are completely back to normal though.


  1. Thomas
    18 April, 10:13

    We’ll hope the best :)

    Thomas – 18 April, 10:13
  2. James Doc
    18 April, 10:36

    Sounds like an exciting time! Have fun with that!

    James Doc – 18 April, 10:36
  3. vector_flow
    18 April, 10:48

    may the force be with you.

    vector_flow – 18 April, 10:48
  4. tsatthoggua
    18 April, 10:53

    May the Flying Spaghetti Monster support you with all his power

    tsatthoggua – 18 April, 10:53
  5. jon
    18 April, 10:53

    whaaaaaaaaat!! possible downtime, say it ain’t so!

    Well it sounds like you guys are in for an interesting weekend, have fun :)

    jon – 18 April, 10:53
  6. cyruz
    18 April, 10:55

    Thanks for letting us know. :)

    cyruz – 18 April, 10:55
  7. Tom Allender
    18 April, 11:02

    Blimey, 16 hours?

    What are they doing? :)

    Tom Allender – 18 April, 11:02
  8. RJ
    18 April, 11:08

    Yeah i was a little hasty, planned power outage is “only” 8 hours.

    Some essential maintenance to the power supply..

    RJ – 18 April, 11:08
  9. mosquitokillah
    18 April, 11:18

    Good luck!

    mosquitokillah – 18 April, 11:18
  10. Tim
    18 April, 11:43

    The strangeness has started to occur…I have lost some shouts !!

    Tim – 18 April, 11:43
  11. Fitz
    18 April, 11:43

    uh uh oh_

    Fitz – 18 April, 11:43
  12. Hayetist
    18 April, 11:43

    “This page is scheduled to update every five minutes. If it doesn’t, we need to fix it.”

    ty 4 the laugh :D

    Good luck in catching those DC/AC inverters.

    Hayetist – 18 April, 11:43
  13. barnsley sime.
    18 April, 11:44

    thank god for that! i thought i was going mad!

    barnsley sime. – 18 April, 11:44
  14. chris
    18 April, 11:45

    Cheers for the heads up

    chris – 18 April, 11:45
  15. spidernik84
    18 April, 11:45

    Great Scott, these are some worrying news! :)
    You have all our moral and psycologic support!

    Hey, posting this I may be accelerating the meltdown process! OMG, i feel guilty!

    spidernik84 – 18 April, 11:45
  16. peepedaa
    18 April, 11:46

    I can’t go to for example Finland’s page, neither any other country’s page

    peepedaa – 18 April, 11:46
  17. dark1988
    18 April, 11:47


    dark1988 – 18 April, 11:47
  18. peepedaa
    18 April, 11:48

    well, now i can :)

    peepedaa – 18 April, 11:48
  19. tabhy
    18 April, 11:49

    good luck guys. see you soon. hope to be a surprised visit to your page.

    tabhy – 18 April, 11:49
  20. ladyofthesnow
    18 April, 11:50

    Thanks for the msg.
    The best of luck!!!

    ladyofthesnow – 18 April, 11:50
  21. ragsnotriches
    18 April, 11:51


    Hope everyone’s ok, electronics can be fixed but frazzled people are harder.

    Take your time :)

    ragsnotriches – 18 April, 11:51
  22. minolta
    18 April, 11:57


    minolta – 18 April, 11:57
  23. tobsche
    18 April, 12:00

    Sounds like the last South Park Episode “Over Logging”.

    Good luck!

    tobsche – 18 April, 12:00
  24. Eunice
    18 April, 12:02

    Baaah yes, I’ve lost some shoutbox posts too :( Boooooo. Hope you get it fixed soon :)

    Eunice – 18 April, 12:02
  25. Donathan
    18 April, 12:06

    First Time I was chocked but then I looked twice;)
    Do your good job as usual and everything would be fine =)

    Donathan – 18 April, 12:06
  26. Sashh
    18 April, 12:06

    Good luck with all repairs.

    Sashh – 18 April, 12:06
  27. hecate355
    18 April, 12:07

    NO DATA HAS BEEN LOST! Your scrobbles are safe.
    oh my, ohhhh damn

    almost got heartattack

    hecate355 – 18 April, 12:07
  28. Xelias11
    18 April, 12:10

    I am sure you will manage this :)

    Xelias11 – 18 April, 12:10
  29. Maguita-san
    18 April, 12:15

    I can’t live without “Last FM”. Is like the air i’m breathing!. If something happend to this page, i’m gonna die.

    Hope you can resolve the problem and i Hope everybody’s ok Too!

    Maguita-san – 18 April, 12:15
  30. Kul
    18 April, 12:31

    Good luck guys!!!
    Just one thing, you should solve the problems of tags and artists with the same name.

    Last.FM Rules!!!

    Kul – 18 April, 12:31
  31. d
    18 April, 12:35

    you’re cute

    d – 18 April, 12:35
  32. RJ
    18 April, 12:37

    It’s “Last.fm” … not LastFM, Last.FM, lastFM etc :P I want to add an FAQ about that.

    Thanks for all the kind words :)

    RJ – 18 April, 12:37
  33. Muz
    18 April, 12:38


    We should try moving the servers out Californee way…

    Muz – 18 April, 12:38
  34. fmera
    18 April, 12:40

    see you all on the other side, lastfmers… godspeed!

    fmera – 18 April, 12:40
  35. JPH
    18 April, 13:00

    Good luck

    JPH – 18 April, 13:00
  36. Nous - X
    18 April, 13:02

    Good luck!!
    with all repairs.

    Nous - X – 18 April, 13:02
  37. gapunk78
    18 April, 13:05

    Have a nice weekend !:-)

    gapunk78 – 18 April, 13:05
  38. Laurie Denness
    18 April, 13:08

    Can someone fax us some power? :)

    Laurie Denness – 18 April, 13:08
  39. mirjannna
    18 April, 13:31

    ooo….may the power of within be with ya..save we scrobblees…:))

    mirjannna – 18 April, 13:31
  40. gapunk78
    18 April, 13:37

    I am trying to save some power by not playing any minor threat today, i hope this contribute somehow!

    gapunk78 – 18 April, 13:37
  41. IzzyToxic
    18 April, 13:46

    Thanks for the update. I was thinking that I needed to re-widget my Rock Band blog. No prob. I’ll play long sets of AC/DC this weekend to try and send a healthy deposit of good karma into the last.fm account. :)

    IzzyToxic – 18 April, 13:46
  42. The_Lurker
    18 April, 14:01

    “It just goes to show ya, it’s ALWAYS somethin!” – Rosanna Rosannadanna

    The_Lurker – 18 April, 14:01
  43. HCL
    18 April, 14:06

    It’s “Last.fm” … not LastFM, Last.FM, lastFM etc :P I want to add an FAQ about that.

    Its lastfm.fr /de/etc, too.

    You will not keep people from using whatever they want. its people you know. they will always do what they want.

    people around here like to listen to music. but they dont necessarily care about such things as spelling (as you might have noticed already…grin)

    I am a little worried how this keeps coming up all so often. do you all need a vacation? :D

    lastfm laStfm lAstfm laSTFm…

    HCL – 18 April, 14:06
  44. frujo
    18 April, 14:08

    That’s it! Last.fm should build a little nuclear station instead of paying to all the amateur musicians who posted their music here :)

    Hope you’ll be okay guys and girls soon.

    frujo – 18 April, 14:08
  45. Danny
    18 April, 14:10

    I can’t see my recently played tracks. I guess that means it’s already started to take place.

    The end of the world is nigh.

    Danny – 18 April, 14:10
  46. kurtir
    18 April, 14:18

    well everything seems ok at my page, except for the warning on top and the weekly charts gone.

    the best of luck with the repairs.

    kurtir – 18 April, 14:18
  47. Fulvian
    18 April, 14:33

    Thank God shoutboxes are not disabled :)

    Fulvian – 18 April, 14:33
  48. screaminyellozo nker
    18 April, 14:41

    HEY, IT’S lost.fm

    screaminyellozo nker – 18 April, 14:41
  49. Lanu
    18 April, 14:58

    Good luck guys, thanks for keeping us informed.

    Lanu – 18 April, 14:58
  50. Danny
    18 April, 14:58

    Good luck and don’t data centers have backup generators? Should have something like a phone company has batteries and a backup generator if the mains is off for more than 20 minutes.

    Danny – 18 April, 14:58
  51. k
    18 April, 14:59

    [wishes luck]

    k – 18 April, 14:59
  52. allh0pelost
    18 April, 15:17

    You guys are great. Drawing too much power huh? How many servers do you guys have running

    allh0pelost – 18 April, 15:17
  53. Daries
    18 April, 15:20

    oh well …good luck u_U!

    Daries – 18 April, 15:20
  54. Chris Forcand
    18 April, 15:32

    brb, church.

    Chris Forcand – 18 April, 15:32
  55. Carl
    18 April, 15:38

    I have an extension lead and live in london, prepared to travel ;-)

    Carl – 18 April, 15:38
  56. Meldoicstorm
    18 April, 15:41

    People don’t panic…panic…panic


    Why? it’s the end of the world!

    Last.fm are having problems…

    hehe, good luck with the frontline data thingy ma bobby guys. Servers are bitches.

    Meldoicstorm – 18 April, 15:41
  57. Mormon88
    18 April, 15:44

    Yeesh you guys really scared me there T_T

    Mormon88 – 18 April, 15:44
  58. Laurie Denness
    18 April, 15:45

    Yes, they have generators. Unfortunately they can’t use them.. it’s the UPS they need to test, and they didn’t build the place so good.. So they have to shut the power down to test the UPS. Good stuff huh? :)

    Laurie Denness – 18 April, 15:45
  59. PaTXunGO
    18 April, 15:47

    Thank you for the advice!

    And thank you to make this site each day better!

    Go on!


    PaTXunGO – 18 April, 15:47
  60. Mamsaac
    18 April, 15:50

    I hope you get it all done without much problems. And… yeah, may the force be with you <_<

    Mamsaac – 18 April, 15:50
    18 April, 17:54

    Phew! I was about to have a heart attack until I came across this blog. LOL.

    JFLIZZLE – 18 April, 17:54
  62. Rob McDougall
    18 April, 18:01

    Eep. I left my iPod at home today, and now no Last.FM?! Great! Now how am I going to finish my dissertation?! :P

    Can I have a job making visual 3D music stuff please?

    Rob McDougall – 18 April, 18:01
  63. cachehe
    18 April, 18:21

    good luck!

    cachehe – 18 April, 18:21
  64. jason
    18 April, 18:23

    :) Good luck guys, 300GB memcache! Holy mack!

    jason – 18 April, 18:23
  65. Franniechan
    18 April, 18:24

    Cheers for your brilliant efforts. Please hang in there. Hope it won’t end up hitting the site and all of you too hard.

    Franniechan – 18 April, 18:24
  66. Paul
    18 April, 18:25

    AC/DC really explodes everything…

    Paul – 18 April, 18:25
  67. Jennifer
    18 April, 18:26

    Wow, I almost cried when I saw the status on last.fm but I understand.

    Since I always support your efforts, I have subscribed for another year to your service in appreciation of all that you do. Last.fm is a God send.

    Hang in there kids!


    Jennifer – 18 April, 18:26
  68. Ari
    18 April, 18:26

    How long it’s gonna take?

    Ari – 18 April, 18:26
  69. Abstractionist
    18 April, 18:27

    Good luck!

    Abstractionist – 18 April, 18:27
  70. antilochus
    18 April, 18:27

    The status page isn’t loading! panic

    antilochus – 18 April, 18:27
  71. Mr. J Christ
    18 April, 18:28

    oh dear, no last.fm? you mean i actually need to get off my fat ass and do something else with my life? what else is there to do…

    all the best of luck guys, sounds like you need it. :D

    Mr. J Christ – 18 April, 18:28
  72. Kabir
    18 April, 18:28

    Well at least thats one less distraction from my studies… now I need my T.V. to blow up and my laptop to short circut.

    Alas I cannot live without last.fm…

    Kabir – 18 April, 18:28
  73. Alademuerte
    18 April, 18:29

    Definitely hope you guys get it all back up and running!

    You say all of our scrobbles with be safe until the servers come back online?

    Alademuerte – 18 April, 18:29
  74. rutger
    18 April, 18:29

    Stay cool,
    take your time
    the end of the world can wait

    rutger – 18 April, 18:29
  75. DarkTower
    18 April, 18:29

    Oh my, no Last.fm… I’m gonna faint…

    DarkTower – 18 April, 18:29
  76. joost
    18 April, 18:29

    good luck :)

    joost – 18 April, 18:29
  77. Tiago
    18 April, 18:30

    good luck! may Chuck Norris’ strength be with you!

    Tiago – 18 April, 18:30
  78. thesilentnigma
    18 April, 18:30

    no worries. best of lucks in the meantime

    thesilentnigma – 18 April, 18:30
  79. rorye-o
    18 April, 18:30

    Best of luck. I’ll try not to hyperventilate. P.S. I love last.fm a lot, thanks for, you know, existing.

    rorye-o – 18 April, 18:30
  80. Filipposa
    18 April, 18:30

    how’s life w/o last.fm?
    Good luck from one of your music-addict!

    Filipposa – 18 April, 18:30
  81. Francesco82
    18 April, 18:30

    take you time guys, see you soon

    Francesco82 – 18 April, 18:30
  82. The Old Ent
    18 April, 18:31


    The Old Ent – 18 April, 18:31
  83. Higginz
    18 April, 18:31

    Last.fm – unplugged ! ;)

    Higginz – 18 April, 18:31
  84. gungosh
    18 April, 18:32

    good luck with the mysteries of power, may lost.fm be back.fm soon :o)

    gungosh – 18 April, 18:32
  85. idiotsdream
    18 April, 18:32

    May the power indeed be with you.Or get some power anyways.

    Sounds severe.

    It’s like the countdown to the Millenium all over again, apocolypse, isn’t it?

    Good luck!

    idiotsdream – 18 April, 18:32
  86. NH
    18 April, 18:32

    Darn it! that’s the only way to get studying, otherwise I will be here!

    NH – 18 April, 18:32
  87. nothingham
    18 April, 18:32

    Well..I think now I can go check that thing called “real life”


    nothingham – 18 April, 18:32
  88. kamochan
    18 April, 18:32

    I am surprising that I can’t play radio stations. also, In Japan, the problem of power supply in data center is recognized seriously. well, i enjoy the sound of silence. :-)

    kamochan – 18 April, 18:32
  89. YellowAngel
    18 April, 18:33

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed :)

    YellowAngel – 18 April, 18:33
  90. CruelMel0dy
    18 April, 18:33

    =) good luck guys

    CruelMel0dy – 18 April, 18:33
  91. Killerdwarf
    18 April, 18:33

    we hope and give a prayer for the machine-god :-)

    good luck guys !!!

    Killerdwarf – 18 April, 18:33
  92. Psinocencia
    18 April, 18:33


    thats what my PII uses =p =p

    aww man, what a weekend waits ahead uh?

    May the saint power gathering abilities be with you _!


    Psinocencia – 18 April, 18:33
  93. andychea
    18 April, 18:33

    last.fm is very ill :( hahah

    andychea – 18 April, 18:33
  94. JD
    18 April, 18:33

    Oy! Good luck getting back up and running. We will try to practice some patience!

    JD – 18 April, 18:33
  95. Nishanth
    18 April, 18:34

    Good luck guys, hope you guys can resume the service soon.

    Nishanth – 18 April, 18:34
  96. Thiara
    18 April, 18:34

    Hope things get fixed as soon as possible. Good luck!!! Love Last.fm.

    Thiara – 18 April, 18:34
  97. 934402520rocha
    18 April, 18:35

    Please Guys… maintain this radio on line grooving and housing. YOU MUST!!!!
    Good luck with that power stuff…

    934402520rocha – 18 April, 18:35
  98. codynascar
    18 April, 18:35

    will you guys send out an email to the users when it’s back on so we don’t keep checking back and putting unneeded stress on the site in it’s time of despair?

    codynascar – 18 April, 18:35
  99. Shai Rosenfeld
    18 April, 18:35

    good luck! we are all for you

    Shai Rosenfeld – 18 April, 18:35
  100. Zupazwami
    18 April, 18:35

    Whow, Last.fm now even hasn’t got a status anymore. They should definately fix that in less than 5 minutes.

    Zupazwami – 18 April, 18:35
  101. allen
    18 April, 18:35

    how do i get las fm

    allen – 18 April, 18:35
  102. J.E.
    18 April, 18:35

    Good luck!

    J.E. – 18 April, 18:35
  103. Ines
    18 April, 18:35

    oh. well, good luck. At first I thought something was wrong with my connection, not wanting to open last.fm, but then I saw the message. I hope it’s fixable and fixed soon.

    Ines – 18 April, 18:35
  104. 4sakenexodus
    18 April, 18:35

    no worries. gl

    4sakenexodus – 18 April, 18:35
  105. l0v3parade
    18 April, 18:35

    how will i stream indiefox now </3 !!! this is good though. i won’t be so distracted with my stupid research paper on the theme of reverse feminism in shelley’s frankenstein.

    l0v3parade – 18 April, 18:35
  106. Gaz
    18 April, 18:36

    good luck guys! i have faith in you

    Gaz – 18 April, 18:36
  107. Markcub
    18 April, 18:36

    You want me to go down to Toshi Station for some power converters?

    Markcub – 18 April, 18:36
  108. Senses0
    18 April, 18:36

    Running on power is a bad idea. I suggest switching to Hope!

    Senses0 – 18 April, 18:36
  109. Chrissie
    18 April, 18:37

    Good luck with everything (brings over coffee and donuts)

    Chrissie – 18 April, 18:37
  110. Nani
    18 April, 18:38

    If we continue to scrobble now, will it make it more difficult for you guys to get things fixed? Will there be more explosions, for example? hehe

    This may be a ridiculously n00b-like question but what the hell, I’m worried and want to help the way I can (if it’s by disabling scrobbling, then so be it).

    Good luck to you guys!! I love Last.FM.

    Nani – 18 April, 18:38
  111. Jackson Greenhorn
    18 April, 18:38

    I could help with my “power-on pointy finger” – I can do IT, me!

    Jackson Greenhorn – 18 April, 18:38
  112. tiefighter25
    18 April, 18:39

    How in the hell am I supposed to sit through 5 more hours of work without Last.FM? This is torture. Can’t you just reverse the polarity on the dilithium crystals or something? Maybe try repairing the Hyper-Drive.

    tiefighter25 – 18 April, 18:39
  113. thule
    18 April, 18:40

    i don’t care as long as scrobbling worx :) have fun this weekend and don’t touch brocken thingys with burned isolation ;)

    thule – 18 April, 18:40
  114. Alfred04654
    18 April, 18:40


    I hope that everything can be fixed…
    I joined Last FM Jan 8, 2007….
    This is the first time I have been without it.
    It is like the lose of an old friend…

    “God gave us two ends. One to sit on and one to think with. Success depends on which one you use; heads you win — tails, you lose.”

    To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail.
    Dorothea Brande

    Alfred04654 – 18 April, 18:40
  115. Romen
    18 April, 18:40

    Uhm…and I’m addicted to Last.fm What I do know? ;)

    Good luck!

    Romen – 18 April, 18:40
  116. WichitaQ
    18 April, 18:40

    ok, now admit it…who spilled coffee on the servers during their break time?

    WichitaQ – 18 April, 18:40
  117. DonJochen
    18 April, 18:40

    to be honest i wasn’t surprised about the 300gb.
    i thought it was more for a whole data center streaming music and music and music and music and music and music and music and… ;-)

    good luck guys and a nice weekend ;-)

    DonJochen – 18 April, 18:40
  118. Bluesky
    18 April, 18:40

    Too bad you can’t fix it by just restarting it :)
    Still, I pray the Flying Spaghetti Monster does help! Good luck!

    Bluesky – 18 April, 18:40
  119. 934402520rocha, Portugal
    18 April, 18:43

    Please do not kill last.fm, best online radio ever….
    If needed I can export some powder power to get things solved over there, don´t you dare to shoot down engines!!!!
    Kill last.fm would kill some smiles and good moods…
    See ya guys!!!

    934402520rocha, Portugal – 18 April, 18:43
  120. john
    18 April, 18:43

    Having spent some 30 minutes staring at blank Last.fm(one has to be so careful I hear they are touchy)screens and pressing various button thingies only to discover the valves have gone(or some techie thing way over my head) Sounds like the beer and pizza is on the boss. Hope it doesn’t get too frazzled and you get home soon

    john – 18 April, 18:43
  121. MermaidBia
    18 April, 18:43

    Keep your heads up, guys, we’re all behind you!

    MermaidBia – 18 April, 18:43
  122. jacfalcon
    18 April, 18:44

    A mere 300GB memcache? Holy… um… salmon! What about 3.14TB?

    Keep up the good work, may the farce be with you…

    I LUvS LaSt..Fm

    jacfalcon – 18 April, 18:44
  123. ma
    18 April, 18:45

    i’m worried…

    ma – 18 April, 18:45
  124. Laura W
    18 April, 18:45

    Good luck getting it going again – last.fm is my lifesaver whilst my head is busy with coding and design!

    Laura W – 18 April, 18:45
  125. paolo
    18 April, 18:45

    oh man, does this mean i have to use myspace as a backup?

    say it ain’t so, joe.

    paolo – 18 April, 18:45
  126. AntaresMHD
    18 April, 18:45

    I hope it returns soon and safely!
    I got a question: I’ve been playing songs in my computer, and the scrobbler it’s caching everything because, obviously, the server is offline. My question is: those songs will be sent to the server as soon as everything go back, or am I loosing my time here? =)

    Good luck with your job there :)

    AntaresMHD – 18 April, 18:45
  127. MuckleEck
    18 April, 18:46

    Wot no backup power……

    MuckleEck – 18 April, 18:46
  128. soeaja
    18 April, 18:46


    soeaja – 18 April, 18:46
  129. Andrea
    18 April, 18:46

    I miss my last.fm BRB, killing myself.

    Andrea – 18 April, 18:46
  130. spiderman05
    18 April, 18:47

    No Last FM for the weekend, I already miss my music.

    Oh well, power to you guys, literally speaking.

    spiderman05 – 18 April, 18:47
  131. Christian "dragonchaser" Richter
    18 April, 18:47

    Wurg, my fellow admin-brethren… I am with you… I know that kind of bullcrap… hope you make it through this…..

    Christian "dragonchaser" Richter – 18 April, 18:47
  132. sizayaptitsa
    18 April, 18:47

    It’s the strangest and hardest day in this year!

    Let your power revive! Be be be be with us! :+)))

    sizayaptitsa – 18 April, 18:47
  133. Jochen
    18 April, 18:47

    I cant life without Last.fm.
    I hope nothing will be lost.. Good luck to fix it all..

    Jochen – 18 April, 18:47
  134. 934402520rocha, Portugal
    18 April, 18:48

    If couples of the strongest black coffee help, you can count on me in the next flight over there to help you guys stay awake solving the problem….
    Come on, last.fm can not be silenced!!!

    934402520rocha, Portugal – 18 April, 18:48
  135. resurerection
    18 April, 18:48

    I expect masstrollsuicide

    resurerection – 18 April, 18:48
  136. James
    18 April, 18:49

    Dammit! I was hoping to do some work on WikiFM. Oh well, at least it reminded me to add a nice informative message instead of an ugly PHP error when it can’t contact last.fm. Good luck!

    James – 18 April, 18:49
  137. RJ
    18 April, 18:49

    Holy moly, the blog is taking a pounding* :)
    This might just take the top spot as most commented on article..

    *not as much of a pounding as the databases will take when we re-enable the site…

    RJ – 18 April, 18:49
  138. youngdreams
    18 April, 18:49

    Good luck! Thanks for letting us know.

    youngdreams – 18 April, 18:49
  139. CasimirX
    18 April, 18:50

    R.I.P. :-)

    CasimirX – 18 April, 18:50
  140. sila Yalazan
    18 April, 18:51

    oh nooooo

    sila Yalazan – 18 April, 18:51
  141. Leo
    18 April, 18:51

    man these people who don’t know how to spell Last.fm are bugging me… come on guys, fix LASTfm! argh

    Leo – 18 April, 18:51
  142. yamsaredelicious
    18 April, 18:52

    Didn’t you guys see the last South Park episode? Just unplug your Linksys router for a minute and plug it back in, that should do the trick.

    yamsaredelicious – 18 April, 18:52
  143. valhum
    18 April, 18:52

    OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!!!! What will i do for a whole weekend without my lastfm fix hyperventilates

    May all be well. Good Luck!!

    valhum – 18 April, 18:52
  144. 934402520rocha, Portugal
    18 April, 18:52

    what shall we do to make things happen, if more comments are needed, more comments will pop up….just keep on working to get things donne…

    934402520rocha, Portugal – 18 April, 18:52
  145. Andrea
    18 April, 18:52

    Where’s the sonic screwdrivers or lipsticks when you need them!

    Andrea – 18 April, 18:52
  146. Jodash
    18 April, 18:53

    Good luck,but be quick im missing you like hell!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jodash – 18 April, 18:53
  147. Gerizkid
    18 April, 18:53

    Argh! I can’t live without my LastFM! I love this site!

    Good luck :)

    Gerizkid – 18 April, 18:53
  148. HardlyNormal
    18 April, 18:53

    ouch that has got to hurt, at least you have interns to sacrifice if that time comes?

    HardlyNormal – 18 April, 18:53
  149. Leanna
    18 April, 18:53

    well that’s too bad, we’ll hang in there with ya, it’s a great service you are bringing us and i look forward to its continuation.

    Leanna – 18 April, 18:53
  150. flibble
    18 April, 18:53

    oh eep. that stinks.

    flibble – 18 April, 18:53
  151. tiffanynicolee
    18 April, 18:54

    curses! Last.fm is basically my second boyfriend, music itself obviously being my first. my life is very much like hugh heffner’s, minus being a multimillionaire. =(

    tiffanynicolee – 18 April, 18:54
  152. Shohre
    18 April, 18:54

    Thanks for your info, hope everythin’ will be fine again.

    Shohre – 18 April, 18:54
  153. tebrino
    18 April, 18:54

    I can see you won’t be bored this evening. Good luck

    tebrino – 18 April, 18:54
  154. japieee
    18 April, 18:54

    Hang in there! I’m sure you’re doing everything you can!

    japieee – 18 April, 18:54
  155. Struan McRae Spencer
    18 April, 18:55

    Good luck, folks. I know how much hassle it can be getting a cluster of 5 servers live again, let alone 300!

    Struan McRae Spencer – 18 April, 18:55
  156. Euchrid
    18 April, 18:55

    keep yourself busy.

    Euchrid – 18 April, 18:55
  157. Ioanna
    18 April, 18:55

    Hope everything will be alright.

    Ioanna – 18 April, 18:55
  158. OldGregg
    18 April, 18:56

    Ugh… sighs
    Rest In Peace.

    OldGregg – 18 April, 18:56
  159. Claudia
    18 April, 18:56

    I wish you guys all luck with this dangerous explosive :P situation. But more than this i want to thank you all for providing us with such a cool thing as Last.fm. I brought me friends and a lot of great music!!

    Thank you very much and take care!


    Claudia – 18 April, 18:56
  160. BunnyBee
    18 April, 18:56

    Thanks for the heads up. I’m sending good vibes your way however I doubt you can convert them to usable power. Best of luck none-the-less!

    BunnyBee – 18 April, 18:56
  161. 934402520rocha, Portugal
    18 April, 18:56

    Shall we light a candle and pray to any saint!??
    Come on, work as hard as you can…We are here waiting music….
    Peace and good job!!!

    934402520rocha, Portugal – 18 April, 18:56
  162. Ricardo Fuentes
    18 April, 18:57

    GO GUYS!!


    Ricardo Fuentes – 18 April, 18:57
  163. mike
    18 April, 18:57

    ooooh, good luck guys…

    mike – 18 April, 18:57
  164. Kissa_Kami
    18 April, 18:57

    Gosh…I hope all be fine soon.

    Thanks for the message and have a fun weekend ;)

    Good luck to you guys!! I love Last.FM.!! ;D

    Kissa_Kami – 18 April, 18:57
  165. uporo
    18 April, 18:58

    Np: Capsule – Flashback
    Well i got to post them somewhere. :P

    Now i have to get life or something.
    I wonder how do you do that…
    well, google helps.

    uporo – 18 April, 18:58
  166. Cheyenne
    18 April, 18:58

    well, good luck guys!

    but thank god it’s not my own problem, i thought my little computer wanted a rest cuz i played music all the day and night…

    maybe all you guys need massage after this fight :P


    Cheyenne – 18 April, 18:58
  167. activewaste
    18 April, 18:58

    hoping for a speedy recovery

    activewaste – 18 April, 18:58
  168. trooper
    18 April, 18:58

    everyone stop hitting F5!

    trooper – 18 April, 18:58
  169. LinkaSofia
    18 April, 18:58

    let me know if you need any help pounding that database, I am feeling aggressive about my lack of Last.fm to go with my coffee… argh!

    LinkaSofia – 18 April, 18:58
  170. vicki_icky
    18 April, 18:58

    Oh no’s.

    I was shocked the first time I saw it.


    vicki_icky – 18 April, 18:58
  171. amputeee
    18 April, 18:59

    awwwww… I hope you fix it (whatever it is ;) soon! I’m addicted to last.fm and I don’t know how I’ll survive without it… ;P
    Anyway, GOOD LUCK! We’re with you :D

    amputeee – 18 April, 18:59
  172. TheKnife123
    18 April, 18:59

    Ring til Server-Kongen!

    He´ll fix the shit out of it!

    TheKnife123 – 18 April, 18:59
  173. 934402520rocha, Portugal
    18 April, 18:59

    Can anyone help them?!?!?
    Cause I no nothing about power or computers.
    Only thing I know is:
    I just love Last.fm

    934402520rocha, Portugal – 18 April, 18:59
  174. numberoneoppa
    18 April, 18:59

    To some of you commenting, it’s not like the site’s dead forever, and no they don’t need your help. Its a bloody power failure. Aish.

    numberoneoppa – 18 April, 18:59
  175. priest
    18 April, 19:00

    Enjoy the fun.

    priest – 18 April, 19:00
  176. Art Man
    18 April, 19:00

    “You can always check status.lastfm.com” …. or not :o)

    Funny today was the first day in my life that I decided to sit there and just listen to things on lastfm, the same day this happens!

    Sods law I guess.

    Art Man – 18 April, 19:00
  177. Asthrayheart
    18 April, 19:00

    RIP? God, no.
    I do miss Last.fm. Really really bad right now.
    Hope you guys will fix this soon ;)
    Good luck!

    Asthrayheart – 18 April, 19:00
  178. sxpert
    18 April, 19:00

    which data center is this ?

    sxpert – 18 April, 19:00
  179. Lofty
    18 April, 19:00

    Hmm I managed to listen all day without a hitch,


    Lofty – 18 April, 19:00
  180. uselessgoo
    18 April, 19:01

    my life means nothing anymore

    uselessgoo – 18 April, 19:01
  181. Renato
    18 April, 19:01

    Good luck and thanks for the informations.

    Renato – 18 April, 19:01
  182. Jr.
    18 April, 19:01


    Jr. – 18 April, 19:01
  183. lore
    18 April, 19:02

    One question:
    Now scrobbling doesn’t work, isn’t it?

    lore – 18 April, 19:02
  184. macman90
    18 April, 19:03

    Take it easy! My foobar2000 is caching tracks for the returning of the site and servers :РрРР Wish the best and GL (:
    <3 <3 <3

    macman90 – 18 April, 19:03
  185. Shar
    18 April, 19:03

    I appreciate the update. I’ll be sending virtual coffee & bagels to you all. :)

    Keep up the good work, everybody.

    Shar – 18 April, 19:03
  186. James
    18 April, 19:03

    Hope everything will be work out fine.

    PS – It would be nice to stop the counter for the subscription for the downtime.

    James – 18 April, 19:03
  187. tholmer
    18 April, 19:04

    Have a nice weekend and do your work as well as usual, then all will be fine….
    thanks for the information and good luck

    tholmer – 18 April, 19:04
  188. bk
    18 April, 19:04

    total bummer. i love last fm so hurry up and get it repaired!

    bk – 18 April, 19:04
  189. ironsgirl
    18 April, 19:04

    oh no i’m going to have to get a life

    ironsgirl – 18 April, 19:04
  190. meka
    18 April, 19:04

    my favorite site online, good luck you guys! hope things are up and running soon.

    meka – 18 April, 19:04
  191. oh
    18 April, 19:04

    gl hf

    oh – 18 April, 19:04
  192. Ricardo Tovar
    18 April, 19:05

    lol That sucks… Sorry for you guys. Good luck, and have fun!! .

    Ricardo Tovar – 18 April, 19:05
  193. njfii2002
    18 April, 19:05

    so sad…

    can we blame bush for this??

    njfii2002 – 18 April, 19:05
  194. Lorri
    18 April, 19:06

    I love yor website…..
    It’s soooo cool…
    I’ll wait for your return!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lorri – 18 April, 19:06
  195. Sponsors Of Axones
    18 April, 19:06

    Oh my god! Somebody be also injured?
    We hope that, problems soon is it solution.

    Good Luck!


    Axone Productions & Stuff Teams


    Sponsors Of Axones – 18 April, 19:06
  196. Goth_Girl666
    18 April, 19:06

    That’s why I can’t logged in to my profile :(

    Goth_Girl666 – 18 April, 19:06
  197. shounenarisu
    18 April, 19:06

    Oh, man, that’s rough. I’m going to miss Last.FM while it’s down. Thank you for letting us know, and thank you for hard work.

    shounenarisu – 18 April, 19:06
  198. Dustspell
    18 April, 19:07

    You scared me I thought I was hearing from now music without your cool service…

    I wish you luck !

    PS You are quick and have a very personlized service (This is your secret) :)

    Dustspell – 18 April, 19:07
  199. Dean
    18 April, 19:07

    Best wishes in getting everything fixed. This is seriously one of the coolest websites I’ve joined .. ever! :)

    Dean – 18 April, 19:07
  200. mathew
    18 April, 19:07

    What am I supposed to do !!!

    Completely lost here.

    mathew – 18 April, 19:07
  201. WichitaQ
    18 April, 19:09

    hmm…that’s interesting…i moved from the error page to my profile a minute ago…but now i’m back on the blank screen :D

    anyway, hopefully, once the servers are back, you won’t have a downtime due to the cached scrobbles coming from all around the world? :p

    may the force be with you o.O

    WichitaQ – 18 April, 19:09
  202. Me
    18 April, 19:10

    ohhhhhh noooooooo….

    Yahoo Music here i come… :D (only on last.fm downtime)

    Me – 18 April, 19:10
  203. k
    18 April, 19:12

    Lost pandora, found last.fm, now I have nothing. Back to the old dab radio then. Hope its not for too long. Sending all my good fixy thingy vibes to you guys. Hope your all wearing rubber wellies.

    k – 18 April, 19:12
  204. tomprix
    18 April, 19:13

    Some stay-awake-energy for you all ;-)

    (I’m glad you announced possible – and now obviously occurring – trouble. Nothing worse than a not working last.fm for unknown reasons.)

    And now, chop-chop!

    tomprix – 18 April, 19:13
  205. jessi
    18 April, 19:14

    w0wzerz i never realized how many people use last. hmmmmmmmmmmm… well, good luck. hopefully everything will be up and running soon. :D hopefully. lolz. i dunno if ive lost shouts. tho. oh well. :OOO have a completely m a g i c a l time peoplez!

    jessi – 18 April, 19:14
  206. Jester-NL
    18 April, 19:15

    I am sort of happy I do not mod the blog ;)

    Success guys, I will do the beer tonight, if you do the working.

    Jester-NL – 18 April, 19:15
  207. Lavinia
    18 April, 19:15

    all the best and come back to us soon :)!!!
    please :(

    Lavinia – 18 April, 19:15
  208. Mehplep
    18 April, 19:16

    Damn. Just noticed this, how am I supposed to manage through the evening without last.fm? Dang it, you better hurry up. Oh well… good luck!

    Mehplep – 18 April, 19:16
  209. Mavritivs
    18 April, 19:17

    So it goes. :)
    Good luck!

    Mavritivs – 18 April, 19:17
  210. TheVaLe
    18 April, 19:18

    You’ll get through this just fine, I’m sure. Thank you for your hard work!

    TheVaLe – 18 April, 19:18
  211. UberPuppy
    18 April, 19:18

    course, the irony of this is that more people are probably reading your blog and checking out your news and stuff.

    I’ve just spent the last hour or so geeking on your dev stuff… wouldnae have done that otherwise :) Always a silver lining.

    Having said that… pleeease fix it soon ;)

    UberPuppy – 18 April, 19:18
  212. Rianthas
    18 April, 19:18

    Ouch. Is the power loss part of scheduled maintenance, or is it something more serious?

    Rianthas – 18 April, 19:18
  213. JoSchoBart
    18 April, 19:21

    Ok I definitely go camping this weekend! :)

    JoSchoBart – 18 April, 19:21
  214. rpgibbs
    18 April, 19:21

    Initially I thought it was the gods of the internet stopping me from scrobbling the new Weezer song, but apparently it’s just this. No prob, i’ll just do whatever I did before last.fm took up 75% of my waking hours. Sigh. At least this isn’t Last.FM’s fault, I can take comfort in that

    rpgibbs – 18 April, 19:21
  215. Zonak
    18 April, 19:22

    Awww man that suck, good luck with fixing. :( This is my favorite site all time and I guess also from other many people.
    P.S. I’m scrobbling music right now, the scrobbler program is just doing fine (it doesn’t show albums though) but is it sending it to the site after the downtime? I’m just hoping all the people who are scrobbling music right now aren’t giving any troubles to you guys.

    Zonak – 18 April, 19:22
  216. crystal stxr
    18 April, 19:22

    Don’t die on me damn it, I’m a subscriber! D*: lol
    I hope the songs I play get scrobbled.

    crystal stxr – 18 April, 19:22
  217. savelli
    18 April, 19:25

    j love last f.m.

    savelli – 18 April, 19:25
  218. RedAtletico
    18 April, 19:28

    “Hi, xbox360! I haven’t seen you in a long time :)”

    Good luck and thanks for this great site!

    RedAtletico – 18 April, 19:28
  219. rangsta-gapp
    18 April, 19:30

    ffs why did last.fm have to crash TODAY? it’s weekend, i’m sick, can’t go anywhere and now even last.fm starts deceiving me :<

    rangsta-gapp – 18 April, 19:30
  220. phil
    18 April, 19:30


    phil – 18 April, 19:30
  221. hassel777
    18 April, 19:31

    good luck, guys und very thanks for tell us. hope you have enough coffee.

    hassel777 – 18 April, 19:31
  222. t00nfish
    18 April, 19:36


    NOT TODAYYYY (tonight)

    so.. i have to go back to real life?

    oh oh oh oh oh oh
    please, someone, put me in a vacuum bed and suck out the air

    t00nfish – 18 April, 19:36
  223. s0ober
    18 April, 19:42

    what a pity

    s0ober – 18 April, 19:42
  224. Halo
    18 April, 19:49

    i think last.fm is a pretty cool guy. eh has power outages and doesnt afraid of anything.

    Halo – 18 April, 19:49
  225. LordXyonX
    18 April, 19:50

    Captain: “We’re losing power ( Whoop Whoop Pull Up!)

    LordXyonX – 18 April, 19:50
  226. hated\\\V2
    18 April, 19:50

    site seems to be somewhat working yet it’s still missing some features like d/l’ing free songs and such.

    hated\\\V2 – 18 April, 19:50
  227. asalto34
    18 April, 19:51

    The suicidal rate of music fans is going to increase!! Please guys, do your best… you can save a lot of lives all over the world.

    Thanks for let us know… I heard colombian cofee is a good stuff to stay awake ;)


    asalto34 – 18 April, 19:51
  228. the_name_used_above
    18 April, 19:53


    the_name_used_above – 18 April, 19:53
  229. Amr Hassan
    18 April, 19:59

    do you guys usually work on weekends?

    Amr Hassan – 18 April, 19:59
  230. inhocvince
    18 April, 20:00

    ARGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Please come back asap better and stronger!

    inhocvince – 18 April, 20:00
  231. confronta
    18 April, 20:02

    now how can i spy on my friends music taste and see if they’re not online somewhere secretly

    confronta – 18 April, 20:02
  232. Bex
    18 April, 20:03

    Good to know you’ve just got site problems, I kinda freaked out when it told me I hadn’t listened to any music. :( Don’t wanna have lost a few month’s Scrobbling.
    Hope, y’all get it back up soon.
    ~*Hello youtube, it’s been a while ;)

    Bex – 18 April, 20:03
  233. jeroen
    18 April, 20:04

    Good luck!

    jeroen – 18 April, 20:04
  234. Six12
    18 April, 20:07

    Thanks for keeping us in the know! I was worried.

    Six12 – 18 April, 20:07
  235. frujo
    18 April, 20:12

    Is it dark there in the last.fm office in London at the moment?

    frujo – 18 April, 20:12
  236. pew pew
    18 April, 20:15


    I need a new shoutbox for mindless spaming…

    god damn…

    pew pew – 18 April, 20:15
  237. TheFool
    18 April, 20:16

    What, did they decide to airlift the whole datacenter accross town or something??

    Patiently waiting…

    TheFool – 18 April, 20:16
  238. sweetlikepoison
    18 April, 20:16

    oh my god, this is going to cause violence in the workplace. i need my music to tune out the stupid!

    sweetlikepoison – 18 April, 20:16
  239. struantheruin
    18 April, 20:17

    Feel free to use what is left of my current subscription, and the entirety of my next one to buy yourselves beer when it’s all sorted.

    (((Last.fm staff)))

    struantheruin – 18 April, 20:17
  240. OldGregg
    18 April, 20:18

    Dun dun dun! Hurry bloody up, I’m losing precious music time for my ickle ears.

    OldGregg – 18 April, 20:18
  241. chichifarm
    18 April, 20:18

    is it time for a mini nuclear power generator? please wear rubber sole shoes around the office. we love you!

    chichifarm – 18 April, 20:18
  242. robotplague
    18 April, 20:21

    Good luck guys, no worries, take your time.

    robotplague – 18 April, 20:21
  243. jami
    18 April, 20:23

    good luck, folkses. last.fm will still be my favorite music site tomorrow.

    jami – 18 April, 20:23
  244. pimthida
    18 April, 20:27

    Thanks for letting us know! Good service anyway. :)
    I’m sure you’ll fix that.

    pimthida – 18 April, 20:27
  245. marciapires
    18 April, 20:29

    good luck, guys!


    marciapires – 18 April, 20:29
  246. Guido Pettiti
    18 April, 20:29


    Thanks last.fm for giving me my life back!

    We need power outages more often.

    Guido Pettiti – 18 April, 20:29
  247. gbryne
    18 April, 20:31

    i hope you’ll repair everything,good luck guys!! we all want our last.fm pages back with everything in them :)…

    “may the force be with you!”

    gbryne – 18 April, 20:31
  248. Leighan
    18 April, 20:32

    meow :]

    Leighan – 18 April, 20:32
  249. ocam
    18 April, 20:37


    ocam – 18 April, 20:37
  250. Bluebul
    18 April, 20:38

    Same power stuff happened in South Africa as well. That killed factories etc with their production lines. Hope you guys cope and dont run into more power shortages…otherwise, perhaps a nuclear powerstation or wind turbine (green) to be installed close to you for more electrifying music! Yeah!

    Bluebul – 18 April, 20:38
  251. badoom_bum
    18 April, 20:39

    aaaaaa, all my messages disappeared o__O

    badoom_bum – 18 April, 20:39
  252. ali3nado
    18 April, 20:43

    good luck guys!

    ali3nado – 18 April, 20:43
  253. AK
    18 April, 20:50

    Good luck! U can do it!

    AK – 18 April, 20:50
  254. driesn
    18 April, 20:51

    keep on doing the great job!
    I liiiiike your job & thank you for the good times!

    driesn – 18 April, 20:51
  255. stuart1861
    18 April, 20:55

    God bless you, guys… And good luck!

    stuart1861 – 18 April, 20:55
  256. martinez
    18 April, 21:03

    for a second i though the entire thing had been shut down… i wondered about my future… Last fm has changed my life!!

    good luck to you guys.. theres too many people that care too much about this…


    martinez – 18 April, 21:03
  257. /b/ernard
    18 April, 21:08

    pull plug, receive bacon.

    /b/ernard – 18 April, 21:08
  258. Niwai
    18 April, 21:08

    Keep up the good work!

    Niwai – 18 April, 21:08
  259. Yka4
    18 April, 21:14

    Hang on Stuff…Good work, nice site.

    Yka4 – 18 April, 21:14
  260. Cheyenne
    18 April, 21:18

    music is back

    all you guys are my god really!!!

    thank you and thank you and thank you all again!!

    Cheyenne – 18 April, 21:18
  261. James
    18 April, 21:25

    The bugs that I’m experiencing:

    1) The website thinks I’m a new user:

    2) Like most people, my track counter has dissapeared.

    Hope things get fixed soon!

    James – 18 April, 21:25
  262. Darkhelboy
    18 April, 21:41

    It’s kind of lame that maybe all the songs i am currently listening don’t display themself…
    I so hope they do!

    Darkhelboy – 18 April, 21:41
  263. Kris
    18 April, 21:45

    Good luck guys sorting out.I apparently haven’t listened to any tracks since yesterday,but that will be sorted when everything returns to normal right?Keep up the good work and I hope it is only a problem in the short term

    Kris – 18 April, 21:45
  264. play4off
    18 April, 21:48

    napewno się wam uda – bądź co bądź każdy problem jest wyzwaniem! :D


    play4off – 18 April, 21:48
  265. The_Lurker
    18 April, 21:56

    Submissions are critical? That’s bad, right?

    The_Lurker – 18 April, 21:56
  266. david
    18 April, 22:06

    broken site is broken

    david – 18 April, 22:06
  267. Steph
    18 April, 22:16

    Yeah, definite strangeness has been noted.
    Like my dashboard being the page of some polish band whose name includes the word porno.

    That was fun.

    Steph – 18 April, 22:16
  268. HerrTwiggs
    18 April, 22:16

    Hey guys, I’m thinking of you tonight and hope you keep coming that great work you do everyday for us!

    Thank you for everything!

    HerrTwiggs – 18 April, 22:16
  269. Danny
    18 April, 22:27

    @Laurie Denness
    Sounds like fun btw i’m a electronics tech :)
    oh well no offline UPS testing. good site and service i doubt anyone will go insane for 8 hours.

    Danny – 18 April, 22:27
  270. satisfact
    18 April, 22:27

    Hey, hang in there folks. I know how this goes. I work in Operations for a startup company, and we had a power outage in January that sounded similar. I know how painful it is to deal with something like that.

    Thanks for the great service you provide

    satisfact – 18 April, 22:27
  271. Terrah Dawn
    18 April, 22:32

    Luke – use the force!! The force is strong with you! — Best of luck getting the best online radio station ever back up and running!

    Terrah Dawn – 18 April, 22:32
  272. fogpotion
    18 April, 22:33

    This is what we get for letting the Brits stream music. I say it is an act of terrorism. Sending Marines to Dover now.

    fogpotion – 18 April, 22:33
  273. shoegazer
    18 April, 22:33

    We are with you, guys!!!

    shoegazer – 18 April, 22:33
  274. Hazzzard
    18 April, 22:49

    Wow that suxx and just before the weekend :<

    Hazzzard – 18 April, 22:49
  275. Aramar
    18 April, 22:53

    For those of you whose systems are about to crash – we salute you!

    Aramar – 18 April, 22:53
  276. bobmac
    18 April, 22:56

    I’ve got spurs… that jingle jangle jingle!

    I’m just glad this happened on a Friday and not during the work week. I mean what would I do with my time?… work?

    Until the courts prove otherwise,

    bobmac – 18 April, 22:56
  277. ronwess
    18 April, 22:57

    Well hope all works out eventually just when ya find something good…lol I second that motion cause the strangeness has started here..missing my recently played profile and tracks played are gone hope you guys got a handle on that…i love listening , but listening all over again…I’ve checked some people out and they have their tracks played displayed…well God Speed …get er done as they say…lol PEACELOVE&GODBLESS! RON WESS MUSAQ

    ronwess – 18 April, 22:57
  278. lisulisu
    18 April, 23:00

    Hey Steph, the band is Pidzama Porno and it is a very popular one in Poland:) When I was a kid, it was very funny for me to hear “Porno” in the radio :D

    Go last.fm!!

    lisulisu – 18 April, 23:00
  279. Tamber-Krain
    18 April, 23:26

    Well, that would explain why Amarok hasn’t been able to submit any of my tracks. (notices the loooooong list of tracks in the queue…)

    I KNOW! I’ll EMAIL you some power!

    sets off mumbling something about 1.21 jiggawatts

    Tamber-Krain – 18 April, 23:26
  280. chicokc
    18 April, 23:26

    Good luck ;)!!!

    chicokc – 18 April, 23:26
  281. ravelithium
    18 April, 23:35

    Should we disable scrobling just for while to prevent overload?!! Tks ^^

    ravelithium – 18 April, 23:35
  282. sum1
    19 April, 00:11

    omg! we’re all gonna die! :O
    take it easy people, it’s not the end of the world, everything should be back to normal soon :)

    sum1 – 19 April, 00:11
  283. Suzie
    19 April, 00:13

    Which reminds me of a song, lol!

    Suzie – 19 April, 00:13
  284. Terrah Dawn
    19 April, 00:25

    Thanks guys!!!

    I was working on my MySpace profile and then POOF! I hear music – the Last.FM Play is working now on my webpages!!

    My desktop app is working fine too.

    Understood that it might have problems this weekend.

    Great Job! Thanks!

    Terrah Dawn – 19 April, 00:25
  285. Susan Cook
    19 April, 00:25

    I appreciate that you keep us so well informed and I like that you honestly seem concerned about your Last.fm family. I already liked you anyway, but, geez, Last.fm, I think I’m falling in luv!

    Susan Cook – 19 April, 00:25
  286. BrAiNee
    19 April, 00:32

    all works fine here… i think every server rack needs a extra fuse to protect the others if a AC/DC converter explodes :)

    BrAiNee – 19 April, 00:32
  287. Alexander Stefanov
    19 April, 00:45

    Don’t rush, take as many time as you need. We can bare without Last.fm for a coupple of days. :) And thanks for everything! Not many sites care for their users so much as Last.fm! :D

    Alexander Stefanov – 19 April, 00:45
  288. yuki_mega
    19 April, 00:52

    Ok, i was working and listening my music when the downtime came… and i really got in shock…
    Also i noticed you already let us know on time, so i want to thank’s that…

    Now i’m gonna get back home, after a long work day (without my favorite music, T_T.. it was boring).

    Good luck for you, and the best for Last.fm

    Bien, estaba trabajando cuando la baja vino… y realmente quedé en shock…
    Aún así, note que nos dejaron saber a tiempo que esto vendría, por lo que agradezco eso…

    Ahora regreso a casa, después de un largo día de trabajo (sin mi musica favorita, T_T.. fue muy aburrido).

    Buena suerte a todos, y lo mejor para Last.fm

    yuki_mega – 19 April, 00:52
  289. Timbolopoulos
    19 April, 01:01

    Good luck, lads! Hope you can get it working perfectly again!

    Timbolopoulos – 19 April, 01:01
  290. Silentrev
    19 April, 01:13

    At moments like this, I realize how important Last.fm is to me.

    So I learn something too. :P
    Good luck fixing it. It reminds me of the fact that you’re people too.

    Silentrev – 19 April, 01:13
  291. ak
    19 April, 01:15


    ak – 19 April, 01:15
  292. Dgold
    19 April, 01:20

    Get well soon!

    Sends Flowers

    Dgold – 19 April, 01:20
  293. Pieter Maes
    19 April, 01:20

    Damn.. we had the same thing about 2 weeks ago overhere in belgium..
    about 40% of the belgian sites were off for more than 6 hours.. some even 24..
    good luck with the filesystemchecks and the myisamchks

    Pieter Maes – 19 April, 01:20
  294. Christopher Woods
    19 April, 01:39

    You’d better have a SICK SLA! If you don’t already, I can imagine your DC is going to be grovelling to ensure your continued business…

    But then, I bet you don’t really mind about any possible service premiums for guaranteed uptime if CBS is picking up the colo tab ;) Glad to see the site (more) up and running though. Best of luck restoring normal operations :)

    Christopher Woods – 19 April, 01:39
  295. marduk
    19 April, 01:49

    Consider moving over to Rackspace. Rackspace has a great UK presence and are backed by their promise of Fanatical Support.

    marduk – 19 April, 01:49
  296. Luka
    19 April, 01:53

    Yay, Submissions are now ‘OK’ not ‘CRITICAL’! Good luck last.fm crew and thanks for everything. I love the concept of last.fm and found many good bands through it. I also appreciate the fact that you’re keeping us informed through this post and through the status, you really care for the users. :)

    Well, good luck * gives cookies *

    Luka – 19 April, 01:53
  297. John D
    19 April, 02:09

    Ah well.. the best websites have problems like the best of us!

    /sends DomoKun to kill kitties for power

    John D – 19 April, 02:09
  298. Taufiq
    19 April, 02:46

    You’ll need a backup server with independent power supply.

    Taufiq – 19 April, 02:46
  299. unclegropey
    19 April, 02:55

    I’ve been a member since there was only audioscrobbler.com, and I’ve never seen any major problems here..

    You guys do one hell of a great job providing a service to the entire net-connected world of music fans, and you do it for free, or for a VERY low subscription price.

    Last.fm is my favorite World Wide Web site.

    last.fm userid: unclegropey

    unclegropey – 19 April, 02:55
  300. underdogus
    19 April, 03:38

    hurry uP! = )

    underdogus – 19 April, 03:38
  301. Jess
    19 April, 03:42

    Is anyone else’s avatar not showing up too?

    Jess – 19 April, 03:42
  302. juan
    19 April, 03:53


    juan – 19 April, 03:53
  303. RWinner
    19 April, 03:57

    you’re doing a great job of keeping the site treading water…

    RWinner – 19 April, 03:57
  304. dav/i/d
    19 April, 05:22

    i would like an extra day added to my subscriber account, plox.

    don’t fuck with me, for i am david.

    dav/i/d – 19 April, 05:22
  305. fmera
    19 April, 05:32

    are we there yet? i really have to pee…

    fmera – 19 April, 05:32
  306. unscrobbled
    19 April, 05:51

    Crap. All of my friends got there total songs player restored. Not me. That’s what I get for subscribing I guess.

    unscrobbled – 19 April, 05:51
  307. Boomdeay
    19 April, 05:53

    Last year the power company was doing work outside our building, so the power was flickering on and off the entire day. The battery backup was kicked midway through the day and there was no way to keep the generator running constantly, so I (the IT person at the time) spent the entire day restarting the server + 11PCs + large annoying to start medical equipment, all while constantly taking calls from people in other offices saying “what’s going on?”

    My small time company was nothing compared to yours and I wanted to hurl myself out the window that day. Luckily, I didn’t, but I did get good and drunk after work!

    The moral of my story is: Good job. Once the adrenaline fades, let beer take over. You deserve it and I’d buy you a beer if I could.

    Boomdeay – 19 April, 05:53
  308. Spr0gs
    19 April, 06:02

    Oh great, 274 Track plays.



    Spr0gs – 19 April, 06:02
  309. AllieBish
    19 April, 06:24

    We’re all noobs again.

    AllieBish – 19 April, 06:24
  310. sacredserenity
    19 April, 06:28

    even i have the same problem… 76 plays… :(… hope this gets fixed

    sacredserenity – 19 April, 06:28
  311. ohhjenny
    19 April, 07:30

    God, save last fm!

    ohhjenny – 19 April, 07:30
  312. WilliamNl
    19 April, 07:30

    I am sure its comes oke!! Your smart I Know It! :-)

    WilliamNl – 19 April, 07:30
  313. Tecfan
    19 April, 07:39

    hm lol, I only lost like 150 plays

    Tecfan – 19 April, 07:39
  314. Ivan
    19 April, 07:44

    Eh, is this a terrorist attack or something? :)
    How is it possible a power failure for the whole colocation center? Usually these places have UPSes (lots), power generators… I don’t think last.fm resides in a cheap place :P
    300 GBs of memcache? You have a total 300 GB memory of your machines? So that isn’t cheap :)

    Regards, Ivan

    Ivan – 19 April, 07:44
  315. Futtle
    19 April, 08:27

    Get well soon.
    Love you guys!

    Futtle – 19 April, 08:27
  316. c
    19 April, 08:52

    does this have anything to do with my account scrobbling every song I listen to numerous times?

    c – 19 April, 08:52
  317. autobzooty
    19 April, 08:53


    autobzooty – 19 April, 08:53
  318. Max
    19 April, 08:57

    Good luck scrobbling dudes!

    Max – 19 April, 08:57
  319. chokidog
    19 April, 08:58

    can it be fixed this 2008?

    chokidog – 19 April, 08:58
  320. Tilval
    19 April, 08:59

    I have 55 plays out of 27k …

    Tilval – 19 April, 08:59
  321. evergreenlizzie
    19 April, 09:00

    Full of sympathy for you and not sure how I’ll survive the w/e without you.

    evergreenlizzie – 19 April, 09:00
  322. ceco_ganev
    19 April, 09:01

    Wish you good luck with the repairing…

    ceco_ganev – 19 April, 09:01
  323. Kalays
    19 April, 09:02

    Well. it just shutted down when I was editing group’s details. Too bad… ^^” But I won’t cry my hole pain thanks to this grat application Lastfm is. =D
    So hope everything will be fine. ^^

    Kalays – 19 April, 09:02
  324. Celso
    19 April, 09:04

    Holy fuck! :|

    Celso – 19 April, 09:04
  325. DrewGuitarMan20
    19 April, 09:04

    Hi guys,

    I want to say thanks for all the hard work you put in to the site. I have subscribed recently because even that is incredibly reasonably priced and you provide this for little/nothing

    Hope you get everything sorted ok

    DrewGuitarMan20 – 19 April, 09:04
  326. Jamie
    19 April, 09:05

    Good luck getting everything back in order, guys! Don’t wear yourselves out working on this in an effort to get things going properly sooner.

    Jamie – 19 April, 09:05
  327. dagmara
    19 April, 09:08

    good luck people :>

    dagmara – 19 April, 09:08
  328. thejetman
    19 April, 09:10

    i think we scrobbled too much guys and gals

    thejetman – 19 April, 09:10
  329. TroyTempest
    19 April, 09:10

    You’re a grand bunch of people at Last.fm and due credit for all your sterling efforts. It’ll just mean more than the usual amount of “unscrobblable” vinyl on my decks this weekend. But please give us all some peace of mind and tell us you won’t be taking the servers out ‘Californee way’.

    TroyTempest – 19 April, 09:10
  330. tomeksz
    19 April, 09:10

    o.O xD

    tomeksz – 19 April, 09:10
  331. Peach1200
    19 April, 09:20

    Good luck guys!! :)

    Peach1200 – 19 April, 09:20
  332. fggg
    19 April, 09:24

    i call shenanigans. because i can.

    fggg – 19 April, 09:24
  333. RudiMoser
    19 April, 09:25

    I wonder somehow – usually mission critical systems are backed up – and usually you’ll have a second data center for this and usually there is kind of a hot swap for one data center to the other with minimal outage.

    welcome to the real world of IT web2.0

    good luck, hope you’ll be online soon.

    RudiMoser – 19 April, 09:25
  334. in90sec
    19 April, 09:27

    I hope strongly, this just happened out of circumstances,
    so it’s cannot be blamed on any single person, who maybe only tossed his cup of tea somewhere, unluckyly.
    I could not stand even imagining, how it should make me feel myself, if i was that person, oooops . .

    in90sec – 19 April, 09:27
  335. Tilval
    19 April, 09:28

    Good luck ppl anyway… I wish I get back my 27k scrobbles…

    Tilval – 19 April, 09:28
  336. Eowyn
    19 April, 09:28

    Oh, dear..
    Well, you have the support of millions, so I’m guessing things will turn out well :):):)

    Eowyn – 19 April, 09:28
  337. ushiroyubi
    19 April, 09:29

    thanks guys and good luck.

    ushiroyubi – 19 April, 09:29
  338. vicky16
    19 April, 09:31

    I had 16,000 something tracks played, they’re all gone, it’s down do 78 now, I think I’m gonna cry soon…. :(

    vicky16 – 19 April, 09:31
  339. z0mbix
    19 April, 09:31

    Hope you guys get “some” sleep this weekend atleast! Good Luck :)

    z0mbix – 19 April, 09:31
  340. Thi
    19 April, 09:32


    oh guy’s

    Thi – 19 April, 09:32
  341. FC3SCorey
    19 April, 09:34

    Good luck with the repairs fellas.

    FC3SCorey – 19 April, 09:34
  342. bullfroggreen
    19 April, 09:35

    I can still play my Loved tracks, so it’s all good!

    bullfroggreen – 19 April, 09:35
  343. Jake
    19 April, 09:35

    Damn. Right when I was about to submit a juicy block of bbcode too. Oh well, you’ll be back soon enough.

    Jake – 19 April, 09:35
  344. Laurie Denness
    19 April, 09:40

    Looks like we just lost a rack of web nodes unexpectedly. This means the site is back to slowness for now, since we have to wait for memcached to fill back up again. Bear with us! Sorry!

    Laurie Denness – 19 April, 09:40
  345. numberoneoppa
    19 April, 09:41

    I find it funny how so few of the commenters here realize that nothing bad really happened other than the downtime (and some monetary damages to repair said inverters).


    numberoneoppa – 19 April, 09:41
  346. keepitmassive
    19 April, 09:44

    Have mercy …

    keepitmassive – 19 April, 09:44
  347. Arnold Layne
    19 April, 09:54

    i will gladly lend you guys my computer and/or my 500ac power adapter :S
    just let me know if you need it!

    Arnold Layne – 19 April, 09:54
  348. fra
    19 April, 09:56

    we know you can make it! :)

    fra – 19 April, 09:56
  349. iworx.media
    19 April, 09:56

    Good luck guys ~ We saw the same problem happening in LCL Diegem last month. 40% of the Belgian Sites down. Major damage to a lot of realtime systems and busy databases.

    Hope there is no physical damage to the Last.FM infrastructure.

    iworx.media – 19 April, 09:56
  350. TYPE-MOON
    19 April, 09:57

    Good luck, guys!

    TYPE-MOON – 19 April, 09:57
  351. Gracy
    19 April, 09:59

    Good Luck!
    WE all know you guys can handle it perfectly and make it.

    Gracy – 19 April, 09:59
  352. MISIAscension
    19 April, 10:01

    you guys have done a great job so far. May I wish last.fm be functional as soon as possible and please get some rest :)

    Good luck!

    MISIAscension – 19 April, 10:01
    19 April, 10:01


    WOOTWOOT – 19 April, 10:01
  354. bleach1st
    19 April, 10:02

    wow sounds like you guys are having a hard time… good luck with getting things back up and running, we’re all rooting for you :D and yeah, don’t go crazy and get no sleep over getting it up and running, a day or so of downtime won’t kill us all :P

    bleach1st – 19 April, 10:02
  355. Zoey
    19 April, 10:02

    Just glad that you said. I love LFM, so take your time. :) Drink water, eat healthy, and don’t stress (too much :) over the weekend.

    Zoey – 19 April, 10:02
  356. an4i
    19 April, 10:04

    OMG! I can’t remember my coming events without last.fm! Wish to recover asap! Russia is with you, guys!

    an4i – 19 April, 10:04
  357. Korumera
    19 April, 10:04

    hehe hope it gets fixed soon i lost all my tracks played data 60000 songs :D its back to 67 again :D

    Oh well goodluck fixing it!

    Korumera – 19 April, 10:04
  358. schoppenaas
    19 April, 10:06

    Hang in there dudes

    schoppenaas – 19 April, 10:06
  359. lisulisu
    19 April, 10:06

    Good morning people, I can see that the struggle continues… I’ve noticed one thing – the last.fm application saves the unsent scrobbles, but…..ONLY during one session!!!! I had ca. 100 of these, now there are none, and they aren’t in my profile:P
    I think that this should be considered when releasing the new version :)
    Keeping my fingers crossed for you last.fm!

    lisulisu – 19 April, 10:06
  360. Jokku
    19 April, 10:09

    Golad’s blessing to you.

    Jokku – 19 April, 10:09
  361. Thiara
    19 April, 10:11

    I’m still waiting for good news, keep working you guys, I know you are able to succeed in solving the power problems. Never been so long without Last.fm. May Nietzsche’s strength be with you in these hard times!! Keep working and I promise I’ll send you a world baloon full of candies, best regards!

    Thiara – 19 April, 10:11
  362. Benjamin
    19 April, 10:12

    Thanks guys, for all the work you do for us

    Benjamin – 19 April, 10:12
  363. Dmtr
    19 April, 10:12


    Dmtr – 19 April, 10:12
  364. Anaiseb
    19 April, 10:18

    :..( get back soon… we need u

    Anaiseb – 19 April, 10:18
  365. pinlo
    19 April, 10:19

    Why is the status.last.fm server apparently located in the same data center (you know, the one which lost all primary and backup power for an extended period of time)?

    In order to truly fulfill its intended purpose, common sense dictates that it should be located elsewhere.

    Best of luck in getting back on your feet soon.

    pinlo – 19 April, 10:19
  366. malfidus
    19 April, 10:31

    Good luck fixing this guys – thanks for all the hard work :)

    malfidus – 19 April, 10:31
  367. lisulisu
    19 April, 10:34

    Hmmm…Apparently what I said was not true – the scrobbles are on my profile (but when did they go there???).. whatever, keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

    lisulisu – 19 April, 10:34
  368. Russ Garrett
    19 April, 10:43

    @pinlo: actually it’s in a different datacenter, but it had some dependencies on the machines which went down which we didn’t realise before.

    The main power is now out and we’re operating on a reduced set of servers until it comes back on again in a couple of hours.

    Russ Garrett – 19 April, 10:43
  369. Opheliac_Lolita
    19 April, 10:44

    You said that no data had been lost, but when I checked my profile, I’m down to only 81 plays. This morning I had nearly 31,000. What’s up with that???

    Opheliac_Lolita – 19 April, 10:44
  370. akametala
    19 April, 10:50

    Tracks played:262
    What is this ? I was on 40k :| i hope you will fix everything.

    akametala – 19 April, 10:50
  371. thunder_89
    19 April, 10:54

    same thing
    my plays r resetted too

    ..from 3000 to zero

    thunder_89 – 19 April, 10:54
  372. HairMetalAddict
    19 April, 11:33

    No data has been lost. Anything that looks like a data loss is just a cache issue, and will be restored once things have settled back down.


    HairMetalAddict – 19 April, 11:33
  373. godfather78
    19 April, 11:43

    Where are my scrobbles?? Over 25000 before this, now 59.

    godfather78 – 19 April, 11:43
  374. Luka
    19 April, 12:47

    Jesus, everything will be fixed, they’re working on it, stop panicking. If you even lose your playcount, it’s not like you’ve lost your house/car :S

    Anyways, why isn’t the “status.last.fm” working? Is there a problem with it too or just a minor inconvenience?

    Good luck.

    Luka – 19 April, 12:47
  375. JJ
    19 April, 12:50

    hey ppl, why don’t u first read what’s already written here (in most cases, answers to ur questions have already been given!) before u make such questions?!

    JJ – 19 April, 12:50
  376. hellchief
    19 April, 14:43

    Agree with JJ; anyway I hope, that soon everything will be working as usually, so don’t panic; 2 or 3 days won’t change your life drastically, be patient and show them your reassurance, it works much better than any complaints.

    hellchief – 19 April, 14:43
  377. AdriaNnLA
    19 April, 15:48

    …adding to the noize…

    good luck and godspeed mates

    and when its all over, perhaps a complete description of all that occurred, including a proper photo stream?

    It is the Last.fm way after all.

    especially interested to learn of your DC/AC inverter practice (and action shots of said inverter explosions would be most appreciated)

    AdriaNnLA – 19 April, 15:48
  378. badoom_bum
    19 April, 16:10

    okay, count of plays disappeared, but they will be back. I just hope my messages will be back, too…

    good luck to you and thanks for everything! We love you gyus!

    badoom_bum – 19 April, 16:10
  379. wesley_1701
    19 April, 16:20

    A lot of stuff has changed on the site since 2006 and nothing’s ever made me want to leave and I surely won’t abandon you now. Best of luck with everything!

    wesley_1701 – 19 April, 16:20
  380. Zo
    19 April, 16:23

    When will APIs be restored? The fingerprint tool returns “400 – Bad request”.

    Zo – 19 April, 16:23
  381. legion506
    19 April, 17:34

    yay i can scrobble again.its not at 100 percent but i can listen to music again. =]

    legion506 – 19 April, 17:34
  382. shoe
    19 April, 18:05

    hah! sounds like your servers are in our data center! (it’s not but we had a power outage)

    shoe – 19 April, 18:05
  383. Kris
    19 April, 18:21

    Wish you all the best, you will do it for sure. Best Wishes!

    Kris – 19 April, 18:21
  384. Martin
    19 April, 18:27

    OMG ! ;-)

    Martin – 19 April, 18:27
  385. Jules
    19 April, 18:30

    Did ya have an UPS lol :L Damn :( hope ya get the Servers back up and running without any hassles cos they can be a hassle :L
    Good Luck Team
    Hope to see it all up and running again :)

    Jules – 19 April, 18:30
  386. Eppu73
    19 April, 18:44

    Geeez..Southpark flashback…(Season 12, episode 6)…

    Have fun fixing the problems…yay…

    Eppu73 – 19 April, 18:44
  387. Mattjew
    19 April, 19:18

    good luck & thanks for the info…
    any idea when the scrobblers will be working again? some people’s are, but mine is on the fritz.

    Mattjew – 19 April, 19:18
  388. chezc
    19 April, 19:19

    Hey but in spite of EVERYTHING you’re still playing da music! THANK YOU :-)

    chezc – 19 April, 19:19
  389. treehugger
    19 April, 19:25

    I’m sending powerful healing rays to all of you servers and people.

    treehugger – 19 April, 19:25
  390. fgsfds
    19 April, 19:41

    I will fucking sue.

    Sort your shit out, naow, plox.

    fgsfds – 19 April, 19:41
  391. mike
    19 April, 20:39

    if i was Mikah from heroes, i’d tell my computer to help ;]

    mike – 19 April, 20:39
  392. Kai
    19 April, 20:42

    Hang in there, guys! :)
    I’ll keep my fingers crossed that all works out for you as soon as possible. Keep up the good job!

    Kai – 19 April, 20:42
  393. pennystrike
    19 April, 20:54

    i hope you made some improvements too ;)

    pennystrike – 19 April, 20:54
  394. EeeCee
    19 April, 21:10

    Well I think you do a great job !!! This is the only site I pay money to use.

    EeeCee – 19 April, 21:10
  395. Suicidemoon
    19 April, 21:44

    It’s good you’re fixing this mess. I hope everything is ok in monday! :) i almost died yesterday, Last.fm is my life, or half of it.

    But btw, after this mess, when everything is ok, will overalls be generated more than once per week?
    I hope they will..

    Suicidemoon – 19 April, 21:44
  396. The Snuggler
    19 April, 22:01


    The Snuggler – 19 April, 22:01
  397. mOI
    19 April, 22:17

    tHANKS PPL. u rock xx

    mOI – 19 April, 22:17
  398. ashrash
    19 April, 22:27

    i have no recently played tracks :[ haha

    ashrash – 19 April, 22:27
  399. The_Lurker
    19 April, 22:30

    Me neither, but my friends and neighbors do. My play counter is also missing. Strangeness indeed.

    The_Lurker – 19 April, 22:30
  400. m o r a
    19 April, 22:50

    Why don’t you put Britney Spears inside a ratwheel and generate power enough with her… Well just an idea…

    m o r a – 19 April, 22:50
  401. leshwatt
    19 April, 22:56

    I can at least stream a few tracks. Not complete cold turkey. Thank you London.

    leshwatt – 19 April, 22:56
  402. Uncle Bulgaria
    19 April, 23:18

    You’re not in RedBus by any chance? We’re having better luck at Telstra…

    Uncle Bulgaria – 19 April, 23:18
  403. Luxury Stranger
    19 April, 23:21


    Are these problems effecting the uploading new tracks/albums?

    Been trying to upload new material today but it just isn’t happening…

    Hope everything is okay and probs get sorted soon – stay cool folks!
    Luxury Stranger’s Admin Team

    Luxury Stranger – 19 April, 23:21
  404. ckelly@threalestatechannel.ky
    20 April, 00:50

    you guys are so lovely to put the explanation and updates up there for us.

    is that for real what’s happening? or do you just have a really good marketing strategist or summat?

    well, even so. you’re still number 1 in my book.. i have no idea what to listen to now though…

    ckelly@threalestatechannel.ky – 20 April, 00:50
  405. 1979girl
    20 April, 02:21

    we live in troubling times people… first war in Iraq, now Last.Fm meltdown.

    Do I smell the end of the world??

    ARRRRRRRRRRRRHGGGGGGGGGHJSGDHbdhbbbbbbbbbb hb nm n fp.

    1979girl – 20 April, 02:21
  406. Saudade77
    20 April, 02:49

    It’s the end of the world as we know it… and I feel fine ;-)

    Saudade77 – 20 April, 02:49
  407. NJtoTX
    20 April, 03:13

    All I know is somehow a band I’ve never listened to called A Day to Remember is all over my charts – supposedly I’ve played them 226 times and all different songs are of theirs are in my most played lists. I want them gone!

    NJtoTX – 20 April, 03:13
  408. pooplips
    20 April, 03:52

    good luck with everything. absolutely love last.fm – thanks!

    pooplips – 20 April, 03:52
  409. swiftfox
    20 April, 04:25

    you do a great job, and I mean it. we will remember this weekend as two days you worked on even getting better!

    swiftfox – 20 April, 04:25
  410. ooble2
    20 April, 05:30

    i rule

    ooble2 – 20 April, 05:30
  411. jonathan
    20 April, 06:46

    you have paid the electrical bill ?? :) :)

    Hope that by Mon. night , this problem is over . :)

    jonathan – 20 April, 06:46
  412. jayred02
    20 April, 07:21

    tell that cleaning woman that she must not pull out that big red plug to run her vacuum cleaner the next time… ;)
    we believe in you guys!

    jayred02 – 20 April, 07:21
  413. socky
    20 April, 08:55

    This is a freaking exciting time we live in, isn’t it??

    I’m going to take a shower…

    socky – 20 April, 08:55
  414. bigflik
    20 April, 09:08

    No worries.
    I have to go to work anyway, and by the time I get home, you probably have fixed the problem allready…
    Keep up the good work.

    bigflik – 20 April, 09:08
  415. Loudsneaker
    20 April, 09:16

    AC/DC !

    Loudsneaker – 20 April, 09:16
  416. Kurt
    20 April, 09:24

    Thanks for keeping us informed.. Thank God for battery back-up ;-)

    Kurt – 20 April, 09:24
  417. Costas
    20 April, 09:57

    - Move to a sunny place, with a beach close by, – Get solar panels & batteries, – Get things up & running, – Enjoy yourselves


    Costas – 20 April, 09:57
  418. cikuraku
    20 April, 09:57

    yeah,,, true nightmare :)) good luck!

    cikuraku – 20 April, 09:57
  419. moe
    20 April, 10:42

    we need a nuclear power plant…

    moe – 20 April, 10:42
  420. Barrt
    20 April, 10:49

    Hang on, boys! You’re doing really great job with your site, that problems, i hope, will be fixed soon. We’re with you! Greetings!

    Barrt – 20 April, 10:49
  421. rkatier
    20 April, 11:00

    Yeah good luck with it
    Lets hope this never happens again, or you have to work true it over again.

    rkatier – 20 April, 11:00
  422. mehaf
    20 April, 11:19

    I died a little inside.

    mehaf – 20 April, 11:19
  423. Sable
    20 April, 12:11

    This is good. I’m impressed. A site actually bothering to inform its users about technical issues and keeping them updated? Well done. Plus ten points.

    Sable – 20 April, 12:11
  424. GeKKo
    20 April, 12:11

    Thanks for a great service,
    I think you handled this one really well.
    I am amazed at the services you were still able to provide
    on a smaller server set.
    Thanks !

    GeKKo – 20 April, 12:11
  425. blaugold
    20 April, 12:41

    Only a part of my tracks, which played yesterday and today are scrobbled. Have I lost this tracks?
    The last.fm-pages are to get mixed up and I hope, it`s will be better soon. Also, thanks for a great service last time and good luck for your work in next time!

    blaugold – 20 April, 12:41
  426. mikey
    20 April, 12:44

    47,000 ‘tracks listened’ back to 0.


    mikey – 20 April, 12:44
  427. sasav
    20 April, 13:08

    My recently lisened traks list don’t working properly. Can you fix it? Best regards!

    sasav – 20 April, 13:08
  428. jude
    20 April, 13:16

    not scrobbling any songs and can’t upload picture.
    wtf is going on?
    thought everything will be ok by now.

    jude – 20 April, 13:16
  429. The Old Ent
    20 April, 13:20

    where are my scrobbles :PP?

    The Old Ent – 20 April, 13:20
  430. dida
    20 April, 13:27

    don’t listen to them.
    we know how hard you’re working and that if you could change it you would.
    keep up the good work.
    this site is the greatest thing…well, almost ever!

    dida – 20 April, 13:27
  431. camnb
    20 April, 13:46

    ‘ll wait.

    camnb – 20 April, 13:46
  432. TroyTempest
    20 April, 13:46

    Never knew that we had so many moaners and losers here at Last.fm. Well don’t give them any attention. The majority know you are doing your best and fully appreciate all the major efforts you are making.
    We’re are with ya’!

    TroyTempest – 20 April, 13:46
  433. Ebo_O
    20 April, 13:48

    I can’t upload a picture for my group. This will be fixed soon right?

    Ebo_O – 20 April, 13:48
  434. lifesabummer
    20 April, 13:51

    the only thing keeping me going is the hyseria on the blog – keep it coming -turn and face the strain.

    lifesabummer – 20 April, 13:51
  435. robin
    20 April, 13:54

    stop whining, and read the blogpost!

    keep it up, and take the time guys :)

    robin – 20 April, 13:54
  436. Hazzzard
    20 April, 14:00

    I dont get it, how can some peoples songs show up as everything is normal, ? I look my friends and neighbours and alot or submitting.. i dont understand.

    Hazzzard – 20 April, 14:00
  437. lisulisu
    20 April, 14:50

    “I can’t upload a picture for my group. This will be fixed soon right?” hahahaha, it will stay this way forever!!!!!!!!

    Seriously, all these pathetic, whining comments gave me a very good mood :D

    Keep it goin’ :)

    lisulisu – 20 April, 14:50
  438. jpFrizzle
    20 April, 15:20

    Thanks for the updates,
    Keep up the great work!!

    jpFrizzle – 20 April, 15:20
  439. corbs83
    20 April, 15:29

    I can’t go to the toilet. Hurry up and rectify this for me.

    corbs83 – 20 April, 15:29
  440. Nahuel N
    20 April, 16:00

    Don’t worry guys, just take as long as you need to…
    And thanks for keeping us up to date

    =) Have a fun weekend!

    Nahuel N – 20 April, 16:00
  441. Anton_G
    20 April, 16:15

    I hope the problem will be solved, just like every time :) Great work by the site team till now! have fun all!

    Anton_G – 20 April, 16:15
  442. ear
    20 April, 16:21


    ear – 20 April, 16:21
  443. Forastero Divino
    20 April, 16:49

    Corbs83, LOL ))

    Guys, we’re with you!

    Forastero Divino – 20 April, 16:49
  444. danusia
    20 April, 17:15

    let it be…!!!!! and come back soon, please!

    danusia – 20 April, 17:15
  445. soundrecordings
    20 April, 17:20

    good luck we love last.fm!

    soundrecordings – 20 April, 17:20
  446. mrre
    20 April, 17:28

    Wow, I would love to be with you! Fixing servers – the best you can do during a weekend :-)

    What a weekend without last.fm though…

    mrre – 20 April, 17:28
  447. Donnie
    20 April, 17:54

    dudez this sucks

    Donnie – 20 April, 17:54
  448. dpch_mod
    20 April, 18:05

    a day without last is a BAD day :) hope everything goes ok.

    dpch_mod – 20 April, 18:05
  449. steve
    20 April, 18:11

    it doesnt suck they are trying their best. i lovethe community spirit on here. we all appreciate the staffs hard work

    steve – 20 April, 18:11
  450. KEVin
    20 April, 18:30

    Smoking a little of that whacky tabacky, eh?

    KEVin – 20 April, 18:30
  451. vukeidorian
    20 April, 18:32

    Wow! this sucks..you know what that means Last.fm!? Time to change DATACENTERS! WOOO BABY!!

    vukeidorian – 20 April, 18:32
  452. evilquince
    20 April, 18:40

    these comments are such a fun.

    evilquince – 20 April, 18:40
  453. nervokid
    20 April, 18:53

    Guess your SLA has been broken :)

    nervokid – 20 April, 18:53
  454. conspiracy dude
    20 April, 19:03

    the site goes down close to and on 420.


    you decide.

    conspiracy dude – 20 April, 19:03
  455. oranges
    20 April, 19:04

    Time to have multiple datacenters last.fm! Looking for a north american (NYC) presence? Contact me :)

    oranges – 20 April, 19:04
  456. suicidschraube
    20 April, 19:10

    fuck! hurry up!……/:o\

    suicidschraube – 20 April, 19:10
  457. melon
    20 April, 19:22

    sigh : x

    melon – 20 April, 19:22
  458. delmore
    20 April, 19:31

    take your time and get it right

    you guys DO know that you will be a household name any day now, right? maybe a year, maybe a couple months, but seriously, its gonna happen.

    delmore – 20 April, 19:31
  459. fdeveth
    20 April, 19:34

    Hope these messages don’t take too much power though… ;-)
    Hope it’s fixed soon. Good luck

    fdeveth – 20 April, 19:34
  460. argonianslave
    20 April, 19:47

    I find this kinda strange to happen since they have millions in the bank.

    argonianslave – 20 April, 19:47
  461. Impatientfag
    20 April, 20:03

    Hurrrrry uuuuup!

    I thought now since you’re owned by enormo-corp, this sort of thing wouldn’t be happening.

    Impatientfag – 20 April, 20:03
  462. Muz
    20 April, 20:09

    For what it’s worth:

    1) We do have more than 1 datacentre, but due to how the site relies on a number of different servers to keep running at full functionality, some issues were bound to occur with us losing power in one of them.

    2) No, it’s not us going off to go smoke copious amounts of drugs on 4/20 :P

    3) Regardless of who bought/owns us, and funds us, this is something completely out of our hands and something that our datacentre is responsible for. They needed to turn off the power for essential maintenance.

    Everything should be back on track come Monday/Tuesday, but until then, expect some terbulance.

    Muz – 20 April, 20:09
  463. tomeksz
    20 April, 20:23

    is there no scrobbling on yet?

    tomeksz – 20 April, 20:23
  464. marinus_o
    20 April, 20:33

    If I were to scrobble something right now, would it get lost? I’d like my iPod’s scrobbles in before midnight so they show up on this week’s chart, but I’m afraid that if I sync my iPod now it’ll just eat this weekend’s scrobbles.

    marinus_o – 20 April, 20:33
  465. Cecilia Carnage
    20 April, 20:48

    And it’s down. o.O

    Cecilia Carnage – 20 April, 20:48
  466. Cecilia Carnage
    20 April, 20:51

    Oh wait. It’s back. Nice…

    Cecilia Carnage – 20 April, 20:51
  467. Gilraen
    20 April, 21:11

    Good luck :)

    Gilraen – 20 April, 21:11
  468. fijam
    20 April, 21:26

    Great work on getting through such a disaster without me even noticing! I imagine you had a tough weekend. Get some rest and keep up the awesome service!

    fijam – 20 April, 21:26
  469. lizzieriot
    20 April, 21:45

    well, if last.fm isn’t going to be back full force until monday or tuesday, you may as well go smoke copious amounts of drugs today.

    until then, i will just wait impatiently for my scrobbled music to show up on my page.

    lizzieriot – 20 April, 21:45
  470. zezinho57
    20 April, 21:48

    Thx for all the good work & keep on smiling !
    Forget all remarks above which didn’t support you !

    zezinho57 – 20 April, 21:48
  471. Bayou16
    20 April, 21:57

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bayou16 – 20 April, 21:57
  472. adelutza
    20 April, 22:27

    last.fm rulzzz whatever happens!
    keep up the good work!

    adelutza – 20 April, 22:27
  473. Lexi
    20 April, 23:14

    its all good

    Lexi – 20 April, 23:14
  474. wishmaster77
    20 April, 23:17

    the show must go on )))

    wishmaster77 – 20 April, 23:17
  475. ScorpioGuy
    20 April, 23:24

    I hope things get fixed quickly. Since Saturday night I’ve been waiting for my scrobbled music to show up on my page.

    ScorpioGuy – 20 April, 23:24
  476. raist71
    21 April, 00:08

    I’m wide awake with insomnia, will that get fixed soon??
    Nice change to a weekend in Last.fm world

    raist71 – 21 April, 00:08
  477. Parlophone Records
    21 April, 02:39

    Hello Last.fm users and stuff,

    As a representative of Parlophone Records and on behalf of the rest of the staff at Parlophone, I would like to issue a formal and sincere apology to the members, fans and any other people associated with The Departure for their mistreatment and predicament created by the label. We hope to have The Departure’s new material released with their consent at a date in the near future.


    Nigel Coxon, Head of A&R
    Parlophone Records

    Parlophone Records – 21 April, 02:39
  478. bigsexyshaq
    21 April, 02:39


    bigsexyshaq – 21 April, 02:39
  479. RaceCarYaYa
    21 April, 02:54

    Hey Guys, Some people might be hostile, but I’m sure I can speak for many by saying we appreciate all the attention your giving to the site and hope that things will smooth over easily and quickly for ya! In the meantime, see if you can snag some benefits or favors off your providers for making all this ruckus! haha

    RaceCarYaYa – 21 April, 02:54
  480. AllieBish
    21 April, 04:25

    I really the appreciate the bulletins we keep receiving. I’ve dealt with a lot of tech support that just ignored the customers until crisis was resolved. If anyone is interested, there are 2 informative stickies on the website support forum, they keep updating these.

    I heart Last.fm

    AllieBish – 21 April, 04:25
  481. TorNaGul
    21 April, 05:12

    May the schwarz be with you !

    TorNaGul – 21 April, 05:12
  482. crystal
    21 April, 06:11

    lol @ parlophone post
    Strangeness indeed?

    crystal – 21 April, 06:11
  483. Marvin the Martian
    21 April, 06:28

    Obladi .. Oblada .. Life Goes On .. Bra

    All Your Base Are Belong To Us.

    Marvin the Martian – 21 April, 06:28
  484. Marvin the Martian
    21 April, 06:37

    Algoron was right. The earth’s temp has risen 1 degree and thus it must be melting. The magnetic fields of the Earth have been disrupted because you people chose a stoopit SUV instead of a Yugo, and now Last.fm can’t grab enough power to power the Interwebz that Algoron invented in the first place.

    ‘Bunch of Tossers!

    Marvin the Martian – 21 April, 06:37
  485. ashuri_chan
    21 April, 06:49

    good luckkk.
    you guys are awesome

    ashuri_chan – 21 April, 06:49
  486. Parlophone Records
    21 April, 06:53

    Hello Last.fm users and staff,

    I believe many fans of The Departure are registered on this website (11,066 listeners), so this would be relevant to many of you…

    As a representative of Parlophone Records and on behalf of the rest of the staff at Parlophone, I would like to issue a formal and sincere apology to the members, fans and any other people associated with The Departure for their mistreatment and predicament created by the label. We hope to have The Departure’s new material released with their consent at a date in the near future.


    Nigel Coxon, Head of A&R
    Parlophone Records

    Parlophone Records – 21 April, 06:53
  487. 1979girl
    21 April, 07:34

    Is Last.Fm single? Cause frankly, I’d like to marry it. This power disaster has only made me love it more, and possibly respect it more. I will no longer take my scrobblingdingdingdonging for granted.


    1979girl – 21 April, 07:34
  488. Bradley!
    21 April, 07:48

    I like potatoes.

    Bradley! – 21 April, 07:48
  489. president of the galaxy
    21 April, 07:48

    never thought i’d get hooked to the thing


    president of the galaxy – 21 April, 07:48
  490. mushroom
    21 April, 08:02


    mushroom – 21 April, 08:02
  491. 1979girl
    21 April, 08:11

    I second that!

    1979girl – 21 April, 08:11
  492. RJ
    21 April, 11:44

    We’re bringing the remaining machines back onto main power at the moment, normal service should resume later today.

    RJ – 21 April, 11:44
  493. Natureshadow
    21 April, 14:17

    Have vanished pictures and comments on build.last.fm and previous free on-demand tracks that are now available in 30-sec-versions only to do with that?

    Natureshadow – 21 April, 14:17
  494. fan
    21 April, 14:21

    I hope our tracks played will come back!! it’s the best bit of lastfm.

    fan – 21 April, 14:21
  495. jeroen
    21 April, 14:49

    I can’t see my tracks played, boohoo.

    anyway goodluck guys!

    jeroen – 21 April, 14:49
  496. jude
    21 April, 16:13

    still not scrobbling.
    and i’m new on last.fm, so i don’t have ANY songs.
    i hope everything will be ok, but it’s just soo sad.
    wish you luck.

    jude – 21 April, 16:13
  497. dthacker
    21 April, 17:08

    Hey! You admin/infrastructure people rock! Hang in there, it will all get sorted eventually. I run a couple of much smaller datacenters, and I know what a pain these events can be. Good Luck!

    dthacker – 21 April, 17:08
  498. RJ
    21 April, 17:29

    tracks played counter will be restored tomorrow, scrobbling should be working by now.. picture stuff is almost all fixed.

    RJ – 21 April, 17:29
  499. Natureshadow
    21 April, 18:18

    Ah, finally my played tracks are back. However, the tracks I scrobbled over the weekend do not show up – even though it said “your scrobbles are safe” :( …

    Natureshadow – 21 April, 18:18
  500. jude
    21 April, 19:40

    yep, thanks, i can have my own picture now.
    but still my songs aren’t scrobbling. what does this mean? my friends don’t have such a problem, i’m confused. :(

    jude – 21 April, 19:40
  501. unbwogable
    21 April, 19:50

    All the best. Hopefully scrobbling will come back for everyone.

    unbwogable – 21 April, 19:50
  502. bobk101
    21 April, 20:30

    I use to worry about so many things. War, famine, poverty, the list went on and on. That is until I joined last.fm. I now realize there is a horror worst than all those evils put together. And that is the dreaded “loss of scrobbling”. I still haven’t figured it out completely, but as far as I can figure, in many cases, it is indelibly linked to ones life force itself. I have seen many panicked messages in several forums and blogs on last.fm from people who appeared to be in mortal fear due to the “loss of scrobbling” on last.fm. What still baffles me however, is that I have yet to see articles in the daily papers telling of emergency rooms at hospitals around the world being filled to the rafts with people suffering from this obviously fatal and rampant infliction. I figured especially after the weekend long problems that faced last.fm, the body counts would have been breaking records globally. If someone could shed more light on this horrible yet mysterious infliction, I would appreciate it immensely.

    Kudos to everyone at last.fm who had to spend their weekend getting everything back up and running. I have enjoyed being a member of last.fm for the past couple of years. It has opened my eyes to many new bands and music forms. It has also introduced me to many new friends who, whether their music compatiblity was “Super” or “Low”, shared the most important thing with me, a love of music in its many different forms. I’m just glad I never got bit by the Scrobblebug. :)
    bobk101 – 21 April, 20:30
  503. crazy bitch
    21 April, 23:31

    Is that why the “tracks played” (since registration) counter on the user sites is gone?

    I hope, that’s comming back again…

    crazy bitch – 21 April, 23:31
  504. Tim aka Bim
    21 April, 23:36

    haha that is hilarious. I so agree. Whereas “scrobbling” used to be a word i didn’t even know existed, it is now a central part of my life. haha

    my awesome awesome life.

    thanks last.fm, still luv ya

    Tim aka Bim – 21 April, 23:36
  505. Mei
    21 April, 23:38

    Hope my tracks played come back soon. Everything else is working. Thanks so much for all your hard work, last.fm staff :)

    Mei – 21 April, 23:38
  506. wishmaster77
    22 April, 13:19

    it’s nice )))

    wishmaster77 – 22 April, 13:19
  507. hectorperucho
    22 April, 19:55

    Amigos de last.fm,me llamo Hector y les cuento que soy un hombre de 35 años oriundo de Huachipato, y desde pequeño tuve el problema de tener pene pequeño, era la burla en el colegio por lo que deje de practicar deportes en el colegio para no tener que entra a las duchas y ser la burla y comentarios en la clase.
    Bueno mis hermanos y mi Padre no me ayudaban mucho tambien disfrutaban burlandose de la situación.
    Con la chicas ni hablar cuando iva en tierra derecha con una chica..en mi mente no paraba la preocupación por ser aceptado en la cama..y claro me preocupaba tanto que a parte de chico mas encima no se me paraba (en erección me mide 11 cm y el grosor es como de 2 dedos).
    entonces con el tiempo me resigné y me dije a mi mismo cagé..obligado a ser trabajólico no más y eso hice y ahora tengo una empresa de servicios y facturo 300 millones de US anuales..de lo cual me siento muy orgulloso.

    A mis 35 años aun no me he casado..y por primera vez en mi vida me enamoré de una mujer que a suerte mio se enamoró tambien de mi. Es rubia esbelta y bien bonita y ayer tuvimos nuestra primer encuentro sexual (yo lo habia tratado de evitar por motivos obvios), y resulta que se dió la cosa.. y bueno disfrute por primera vez y fue genial, me exito mucho ver que ella transpiraba y se ponia roja hasta le saque un gritito…por primera vez me senti un hombre de verdad…

    hectorperucho – 22 April, 19:55
  508. ajchz
    23 April, 05:27

    guyes thanks for all the hard work :)

    ajchz – 23 April, 05:27
  509. jonathan
    23 April, 07:52


    jonathan – 23 April, 07:52
  510. Andreas
    23 April, 10:53

    OMG, just read the comment of RJ (http://tinyurl.com/4596vp):

    “tracks played counter will be restored tomorrow”.

    Well, that was on 04/21, but doesn’t matter. They said: It will come back.

    Andreas – 23 April, 10:53
  511. Marina
    23 April, 11:56

    when you say restored you mean our plays will be back or it will be shown again in our profiles…? i’m not that bothered but ok… i have only 200 plays from the 8000. and that’s why i ask..

    Marina – 23 April, 11:56
  512. robotplague
    23 April, 18:50

    I haven’t been able to access the site for 2 days =(

    robotplague – 23 April, 18:50
  513. tkotse
    23 April, 19:27

    Recent tracks still isn’t showing up.

    tkotse – 23 April, 19:27
  514. jude
    23 April, 20:29

    same here.
    still isn’t scrobbling AT ALL.
    what is wrong? :(

    jude – 23 April, 20:29
  515. Jimi86
    23 April, 23:20

    Irrelevant post, but when’s the Last.fm office going to make their own Lip Dub video?

    Jimi86 – 23 April, 23:20
  516. danusia
    24 April, 04:33

    nothing changed… my almost 20,000 tracks played i had… are gone now. =( and you dont post anything new! the data is really gone? you should tell us at least the true! the data is gone!!! =P so annoying…

    danusia – 24 April, 04:33
  517. Wilkie
    24 April, 06:05

    yeah, im feeling it. well, the usual assumption. wait it out, it’ll be fine soon.

    cheerio for the efforts!!

    Wilkie – 24 April, 06:05
  518. Céline
    25 April, 12:22

    Your website doesn’t work on Safair, it is redirected infintly.

    I try all url possible, thks to take that problem in count.

    Céline – 25 April, 12:22
  519. showard22
    26 April, 02:22

    my recently played hasnt updated in almost 5 days. hmm just wondering why?

    showard22 – 26 April, 02:22
  520. j
    29 April, 10:56

    level3 lost power because they was installing new 2×1,5MW gensets (http://www.deltadesignsystems.co.uk/news.php?id=6)

    j – 29 April, 10:56
  521. hybirdd
    1 May, 21:08

    Hey did anybody noticed that the status page was updated like 3 days ago?

    hybirdd – 1 May, 21:08
  522. Aeon
    6 May, 00:20

    It’s been two and a half weeks… an update blog post letting us know what’s going on would be nice.

    Aeon – 6 May, 00:20
  523. jonty
    6 May, 00:49

    @Aeon: Well, everything’s been back to normal for quite some time now, what did you want us to say? :)

    jonty – 6 May, 00:49
  524. stinkaman
    6 May, 02:29

    Normal? I’ m still missing 3000 plays (from 50,000)

    stinkaman – 6 May, 02:29
  525. iHME
    11 May, 16:27

    Lucky you, you miss only 3000.
    I miss about 12500!
    I originally had about 14500 plays and after
    the crash it was reduced to a mere 2000.
    I seriously don’t like this.

    iHME – 11 May, 16:27
  526. Thule
    20 May, 13:34

    Something wrong now ? Oo

    Thule – 20 May, 13:34
  527. darosama
    30 May, 07:10

    I can’t see Recently played tracks from 2 days ago either…
    Everything fine down there?

    darosama – 30 May, 07:10

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