and Facebook have teamed up to give you a super easy way to get your loved tracks into your Facebook feeds. Starting today, you can click “Import” on your Facebook Mini-Feed (the one on your FB profile page) and enter your username, then… actually that’s all you have to do :) From that point on, all tracks that you love on or in the client software will show up in your Facebook feeds.
We’re looking at eventually exposing more actions into the feed, but thought this was a great way to start. See below for screenshot goodness.
Enter your user name
Facebook finds your account
Loved tracks show up in your feed
27 May, 15:01
“Starting today…”
Well, starting a few days ago actually ;)
I don’t know if this is more of a Facebook question than a one, but how often does the thing update? I’ve never had one of these messages automatically appear in my feed; the only way I’ve found is to go back into the configuration screen (as pictured above) and click the “Update Now” link.
More integration for the future: showing event attendance and new playlists would be fantabulous.
27 May, 15:04
Ooh, nice. Works pretty well. Thanks for the continual updates.
Toby Padilla
27 May, 15:05
The feed should be updated on a regular basis. I’ll look into the exact timing.
As for additional info, we already talking about what to add in next. I think events is a natural choice.
27 May, 15:26
My question was about the timing as well. Pretty much exactly what StudleyUK said.
27 May, 15:48
Awesome stuff!
27 May, 15:58
No automatic updates for me as well. Otherwise, great feature.
27 May, 16:49
Brilliant, been waiting for this!
A big vote for events to be the next feed- a very useful social thing as it let’s friends know what gigs you’re going to. Would be nice to have a way of displaying events on your profile in an app as well.
Mike M
28 May, 01:25
Loving these new Import feed options on FB. Adds stuff you actually want people to know about.
This combined with the ‘listening to..’ application is awesome.
28 May, 07:54
So that’s what it does. I’ve been waiting for it to update for the last few days. I thought it would be like a summary of my weekly charts (my top 5 artists, for example) since I don’t love tracks that often. Events would also be nice. Think you can work those in there?
28 May, 15:13
I have built a tool to do this with twitter. If you are interested, tweet me at @pootytang
28 May, 17:42
Awesome! Now my friends will see more stuff and maybe sign up themselves!!
28 May, 18:17
Hey is there an AIR app for I mean through which I can see that what songs my friends are playing at that precise moment and also other things?
Maybe those things should be added into the “ client” ?
28 May, 22:08
yes there is. check out the “what I’m listening to” app
29 May, 07:37
Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find it.
Maybe its a good idea to put into development.
Anil Bawa
29 May, 08:24
@Ankit: I’m afraid there is no AIR app currently. We will be making components available to AIR developers in the near future though.
29 May, 08:56
There seems to be a slight bug, where the times displayed on my profile are not GMT + 2, as what my profile (and the rest of my computer) are set to.
29 May, 08:57
Sorry, this problem is not isolated to All displays wrong on my feed. It’s probably faecbook.
29 May, 15:40
Yeah, Facebook’s times are completely screwed up at the moment. Mini-feed displays everything as GMT + 8 hours; the home page displays everything as 12.00am.
29 May, 18:52
@Anil: So are you saying AIR developers at the moment can’t use the api?
30 May, 22:25
It would appear that if you love through the client it updates automatically, but if you update through the website or through another scrobbler you need to update yourself… Is anyone else seeing this situation?
30 May, 23:32
Is there a way you can make it update in groups of 5 and not after every song I love? I’d rather see one mini-feed story (like in the pic) than one for each song.
Toby Padilla
31 May, 10:42
Stuart, it should work the same regardless of where you love a track. Is it still not working for you?
Really liking the suggestions around events and song grouping. We will add them to the list.
1 June, 01:35
Would it also be possible to do this with journal entries as well as events? If so, would it also be possible to include the option to post some journal entries to the feed but not others?
This is a great little tool. Cheers for this!
1 June, 16:19
Journal entries! That would be fantastic!
Loving this import thingy. :)
Toby Padilla
2 June, 10:13
FYI – you can take your existing journal RSS feed and import it as Blog/RSS using the same FB feature.
3 June, 21:28
Toby, I think it has started to work. Going to watch it a little more closely. For instance last loved track at 6pm last night in feed. Have done multiple loves today, but still no update… We’ll see if it comes out in a bit.
I’ve noticed it interferes if I decide to love a track through the “what I’m listening too” app, you end up with a double mini-feed message, so I’m trying to avoid loving in the listening app on facebook.
5 June, 08:30
Will these imported data be updated?
5 June, 21:56
I just found the connection of why some of my loved songs weren’t showing up. It appears that if you love a track through the drop down at the new beta, this information does not make it to facebook for importing.
So for me: if I love with iScrobbler, or the official client, or the facebook app things are nice. If I do it from the dropdown on the beta site -> no love on facebook.
This may just be a beta/facebook thing, but thought I’d say I finally identified the issue for me, it otherwise does update at intervals, but only things loved through the plugins get there, nothing done through the drop downs at the beta site.
Nice work.
Toby Padilla
6 June, 10:02
Thanks Stuart, that is helpful and we’ll take a look.
10 June, 20:06
Just had to remove this from my FB account because every time I loved a track the event would reoccur the next day re-loving the same tracks in my facebook feed.
19 June, 19:17
I had big problems too. A few days after I imported this facebook started regurgitating the same “kikumbob loved the track Your Mine by Jason Mraz” about 10 times a day. I do love the track, but it was starting to make me sound a bit obsessed and sad and in desperate need of a girlfriend.
So i removed it. I think a few kinks need to be sorted out.
Phil Bowell
28 June, 14:00
How come the pictures in the post show a group of tracks loved today? Yet when I tested the feature I now have two events in my feed and not one showing two songs?
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